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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. 6 fucking nil. We got off lightly at the weekend. Paves the way for Bruce to take over at SJP an'all!
  2. peasepud and Scottish Mag basically got in touch with HTT pretending to me a German newspaper reporter (they created a whole website for the fictional newspaper). They then sent a list of questions for HTT to answer, he did, and they made an article. However, the article was made with an exceptionally poor Babelfish translation and it was discovered. That's about it really. Still not a clue why they did it though. 108880[/snapback] Right Dan. Read what you've just written there and tell me there hasn't been a MASSEEEEEVE over-reaction! 108883[/snapback] There has been, but again, I'll say it's not the hoax it's the fact that someone would want to decieve their fellow supporters just for a cheap laugh. 108893[/snapback] Seriously, I know of worse hoaxes that have been done between mates, never mind people on the internet who happen to be fans of the same team. Unfortunately I think Wacky might be right and that the board wars might be back for a bit though.
  3. Gemmill


    Bastards, the lot of you, I'll not be back, you can delete my account! This did make the Chronicle as well today, didn't it? A lot of people are looking very foolish. I just had a quick look around that site, loads of the links don't even work. 108885[/snapback] A hundred quid. Fucking quality! Aye it was on Radio Five yesterday an'all. Jesus wepticles.
  4. Gemmill


    And there's me asking on N-O if anyone's been thick enough to put money on off the back of a hoaxed article written in pidgin German, you thick fucker! :lol:
  5. Police are also investigation phone calls Hitzfeld has recieved - the man has a North East accent from England. 108859[/snapback] "You disappoint me Ottmar. You are no closer to being appointed than you were when the campaign started 4 months ago." And before anyone fucking starts, I'm joking and that's not a dig at the campaign.
  6. How's it been ruined like? Fucking hell, alright the joke may not have gone down well but what exactly has been ruined? Seriously I'd like someone to tell me. As far as I can see FUCK ALL has changed. For the campaign to have been "ruined" this would have had to have destroyed any chance of Hitzfeld managing Newcastle. Please tell me how that's happened. 108853[/snapback] well if the press get hold of this they are hardly gonna think the campaign is legitimate. One toon fan hoaxing another, they are gonna think we are all nutters and we will lose all crediability that we had. this site is a s***hole. I'm off, feel free to delete my account 'n all 108857[/snapback] As I suspected, nothing even approaching an explanation for how the campaign has been "ruined". It sounded dramatic but that's about it. The hoax had fuck all to do with this site, but if you fancy a flounce.......
  7. How's it been ruined like? Fucking hell, alright the joke may not have gone down well but what exactly has been ruined? Seriously I'd like someone to tell me. As far as I can see FUCK ALL has changed. For the campaign to have been "ruined" this would have had to have destroyed any chance of Hitzfeld managing Newcastle. Please tell me how that's happened.
  8. Yes, I appreciate and understand that. 108821[/snapback] Thanks It was more aimed at Dan though 108823[/snapback] Don't worry, I'm aware of that. My flounce-exit would be magnified by 1000 times if it was a forum job! Just re-reading the e-mails sent, WTF were you thinking lads? Creating an entire website, sending page long e-mails and pretending to be from another country just for cheap laughs. Still can't believe why anyone would want to do it. 108827[/snapback] They're both remarkably quiet now aren't they 108829[/snapback] Peasepud wants to post but he keeps getting interrupted by the phone... 108835[/snapback]
  9. Fuck's sake! Dan man, if they'd done this on the SMB you'd be pissing yourself and saying how good a hoax it was. If you want to flounce off, be my guest like but one or two people are taking this FAR too fucking seriously.
  10. And if Gemmill had a straight choice of setting out his criteria for appointing managers, rather than say nothing when we are doing well and then just sitting on the fence and waiting for a chance to whinge on, what would he do ? 108655[/snapback] Answer the question, drone, repeat myself, drone, Bellamy, bore zzzzzz., write a page of repetitive drivel zzzzz etc. 108657[/snapback] Well I hope we aren't waiting as long for you to answer as it took you to realise Souness was a twat and he was overspending 108708[/snapback] As I've pointed out to you on numerous occasions - it was your hero Freddy Shepherd who really matters here. He was the one giving him the funds to overspend and letting him keep his job. But no, you reserve that argument to apply to me as usual. It would be funny if it wasn't so frustrating how blind you are to this sort of stupidity on behalf of our wonderful chairman. That's why I don't bother answering all of your reams of questions. Because you only see what you want to see and so it's not worth having a discussion with you because you only see things from your ludicrously blinkered point of view.
  11. Aye, he ran over, put his hand in his pocket, realised who it was and withdrew his hand. Absolutely pathetic. It's that sort of thing that he should be getting hauled in front of a panel for. I really hope he makes a fool of himself in front of an audience of millions at the World Cup.
  12. Agreed. I admit it wound me up at the time but that was mainly as you say because Riley bottled it. But at the end of the day, all this whining about Cisse and what a naughty boy he was is a bit daft IMO.
  13. Like yee would naa how to do that! 108697[/snapback] Simple matter of tweaking the flux capacitor on the DNS server.
  14. I know Daniel Craig must give you some hope, but we're still a long way from fat-ginger Bond tbh. Maybe you could play a rogue (rouge?) robot? 108684[/snapback] You could play a villain whose only weakness is the fact that his eyes are gay! This gives rise to the added complication of you not knowing whether to kill Bond or bum him. "Noooooo, Mr. Bond, I expect you to strip tbs tbs." 108688[/snapback] Gemmill's latent homness coming out again I see. 108690[/snapback] Two words: roast puffin.
  15. I know Daniel Craig must give you some hope, but we're still a long way from fat-ginger Bond tbh. Maybe you could play a rogue (rouge?) robot? 108684[/snapback] You could play a villain whose only weakness is the fact that his eyes are gay! This gives rise to the added complication of you not knowing whether to kill Bond or bum him. "Noooooo, Mr. Bond, I expect you to strip tbs tbs."
  16. Anyone been on a snowmobile before? Class fun, with the added bonus of feeling like you're James Bond.
  17. "You disappoint mey Jarge. Yew are still nowuh clowuhser to catching mey." What a tool. Glad he's doing some decent prison time tbh.
  18. Gemmill

    James Blunt

    Aye you'd never catch your brother's girfriend writing claptrap like that.
  19. And if Gemmill had a straight choice of setting out his criteria for appointing managers, rather than say nothing when we are doing well and then just sitting on the fence and waiting for a chance to whinge on, what would he do ? 108655[/snapback] Answer the question, drone, repeat myself, drone, Bellamy, bore zzzzzz., write a page of repetitive drivel zzzzz etc.
  20. If Shepherd had a straight choice between: - The right man for the job and nothing to be gained for the likes of Stretford or any particular sports agency. OR - Someone who'll "do" and handshakes and smiles all round for certain associates of his. Anyone think he'd go for option 1?
  21. Been skiing a few times and snowboarding always looked like a day spent on your arse tbh. Plus getting on and off the lifts looked almost impossible, so I stuck with the skiing.
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