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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Go to Rockafella. It has the added bonus of having Hell's Kitchen running constantly on the TV above the bar.
  2. Is the big mussell nice then? The restaurant, Renton!
  3. Don't feel too bad mate, Dotbum put £100 on Hitzfeld on the strength of it.
  4. HTT posted the article in German requesting a translation - he specifically mentioned Isegrim when asking for help with it. Isegrim told them that it made no sense and was littered with errors - probably the equivalent of when we put a foreign article through babelfish to get it converted to English, as that's all peasepud did - for example, football ventilators instead of football fans. Another lad whose mother was a German teacher said it was bollocks. And yet people just posted around these posts as if they weren't even there, trying instead to make sense of babelfished translations back to English, which unsurprisingly made none. If you're that dumb you deserve to end up looking stupid tbh.
  5. Dotbum, I'm starving and the canteen's shut. Could you do something about your avatar please?
  6. What's going on here like, Samuel? If you're coming up here, it had BETTER be coinciding with a match!
  7. One of your local haunts? Fetish bar? I haven't a scooby what it is, but it sounds like the kind of place Glitter would be very comfortable. You were probably all right with your bright red hair anyway. The yanks probably thought you were one of the High Kings of Tara. Did they offer to crown you? 109066[/snapback] I'm sure they would have been all too happy to "crown" me. A Wacky Warehouse is a kid's adventure playhouse - it's a chain in the UK, you uneducated backward Irish fool - that's how I addressed the barman as well!
  8. Bit of a generalisation, the first bit Alex? I appreciate the sentiment, I really do, but they're not all ignorant fuckers across 'the pond'. 109050[/snapback] US Government policy was what I meant tbh. 109053[/snapback] A fuck load more than the government, unfortunately; although it obviously falls far short of a majority. I'm guessing a 32 county republic is not high on Zathras' list of priorities. 109057[/snapback] I went in a bar in San Francisco once called "Ireland's 32". I felt about as welcome as Gary Glitter at a Wacky Warehouse.
  9. That's a different issue though, isn't it? Fair do's to ask for it to be changed and perhaps a bit insensitive not to do so after that. But a mod actually changing it is a setting a precedent. 109052[/snapback] It does set a precedent, but I'm not sure it's something that's going to happen too regularly so I don't know that it really matters tbh - in this instant someone was offended, probably with good reason, and Skol refused to remove the avatar, probably not with good reason, so someone took the decision out of his hands. If everyone just had potatoey martians this sort of thing wouldn't happen.
  10. If I had an uncle who was on one of those planes, I probably wouldn't appreciate seeing that avatar every time I posted on here. And I would have changed it if asked - weird thing to take a stand over tbh. Not sure removing the avatar was the right thing to do but I'm not gonna get too excited about it.
  11. I bet poor aaaaalan sensed possible victory when Dravid and Tendulkar were in at lunch and went to watch it as well. :lol:
  12. 99-9 now actually 109029[/snapback] Huzzah!
  13. Two wickets in two overs and it's all getting exciting. 76-5.
  14. The Newspaper article was a hoax (a babelfished hoax that people chose to ignore despite the likes of Isegrim saying that it made no sense), and peasepud contacting HTT in the guise of a German journalist from a small newspaper in Hitzfeld's home town was also a hoax. A canny clever one as well tbh.
  15. Andy's just using this to earn himself one of my Uriah Rennie awards - blatant opportunism tbh!
  16. He'll just use England to get a better wage from Freddy IMO 108949[/snapback] I've heard we're offering him silly money. Plus all the talk coming from the FA about how the England job is now viewed as part time etc. smacks of them trying to talk down the wage packet after the silly money they've been paying Sven. I reckon Curbishley will get the England job partly because his wage demands won't be as high as the likes of O'Neill.
  17. The Tyne Bridge is a bit OTT for you. The back of a chair should suffice. Peasepud would just tread water if we used the bridge on him.
  18. You rotten bastard. So what happened then? 108921[/snapback] He was over the moon! The emails he sent back were all "Oh I can't BELIEVE you've got in touch after all this time! So good to hear from you!". We strung it out for a little while before the guilt set in at which point "she" rather abruptly told him she was moving to Australia and wouldn't be on emails any more. Anyway, a year or so later he goes to a school reunion and she's only fucking there! None of us had the nerve to ask him what she had to say when he asked her how Australia was.
  19. My younger brother is planning to record the previous week's Lotto and get a "quick pick" for his mate, sit down with him to see if he's won; now that's fucking evil. 108902[/snapback] We once set up a hotmail account in the name of this lass who a lad at work used to say was his one true love but he'd lost contact with her and started emailing him from it. The lad was a virgin and said she was the only girl he would ever want to be with. He fell for it hook line and sinker like.
  20. Peasepud doesn't even go to games either - which makes the 'joke' all the funnier I suppose! 108807[/snapback] not missed one this season tbh 108899[/snapback] SOOPAFAN tbh.
  21. 6 fucking nil. We got off lightly at the weekend. Paves the way for Bruce to take over at SJP an'all!
  22. peasepud and Scottish Mag basically got in touch with HTT pretending to me a German newspaper reporter (they created a whole website for the fictional newspaper). They then sent a list of questions for HTT to answer, he did, and they made an article. However, the article was made with an exceptionally poor Babelfish translation and it was discovered. That's about it really. Still not a clue why they did it though. 108880[/snapback] Right Dan. Read what you've just written there and tell me there hasn't been a MASSEEEEEVE over-reaction! 108883[/snapback] There has been, but again, I'll say it's not the hoax it's the fact that someone would want to decieve their fellow supporters just for a cheap laugh. 108893[/snapback] Seriously, I know of worse hoaxes that have been done between mates, never mind people on the internet who happen to be fans of the same team. Unfortunately I think Wacky might be right and that the board wars might be back for a bit though.
  23. Gemmill


    Bastards, the lot of you, I'll not be back, you can delete my account! This did make the Chronicle as well today, didn't it? A lot of people are looking very foolish. I just had a quick look around that site, loads of the links don't even work. 108885[/snapback] A hundred quid. Fucking quality! Aye it was on Radio Five yesterday an'all. Jesus wepticles.
  24. Gemmill


    And there's me asking on N-O if anyone's been thick enough to put money on off the back of a hoaxed article written in pidgin German, you thick fucker! :lol:
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