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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Top posts from the old fellas, Leazes and Spongebob in this thread - one for the Gold forum when it's run its course?
  2. The sanctimonious cunt was always going to play the martyr tbh. Bet he's fucking gutted all the threads from yesterday have died a death. Probably thought the place would still be in mourning 109779[/snapback] He'll be steaming at some of the stuff that's been said about him an'all. Mind Craig, I can't believe you've coaxed me into a false alarm "busting" over there!
  3. Has anyone pointed this out over there? If not, can I please?
  4. great minds ... some of them are actually chuckle material, others just people pretending to sing. 109711[/snapback] Well, I got bored of the first one after 10 seconds but was too lazy to stop it before starting the next one.. 109712[/snapback] Better than any oompah band tbh.
  5. Be lucky to be ready for next year's cup final at this rate.
  6. That maybe so - lets hope the new manager can do his job without a monkey on his back and can bring enough relevant success to render the need for Shearer to be in the very distant future - if ever at all. 109702[/snapback] 109704[/snapback] I don't really have a problem with those sentiments tbh. UM's that is.
  7. Am I talking to myself here or what?
  8. The latter for me too. TBH. 109654[/snapback] Me too. Reading it in letter form could lead to vocalising it that way too, which would be shameful.
  9. They've finally sorted Google Earth for macs so I'll have a look at some of these later. I'll let you all know individually if any of them are interesting.
  10. Does this work on macs or will I be forced to hurt you all for saying how good it is?
  11. Gemmill

    DVD won't read

    Is it a DVD - RW vs. DVD + RW issue? I know my mac didn't think much of a + disk that I tried to use on it, but it's fine with -.
  12. I fully expected defeat last night, so when it happened it was more a confirmation of expectations than any huge let-down. Ah well, there's always next season. Again.
  13. Aye what a pillock Joe Cole is. The little dwarf falls to the ground in the most dramatic of fashions, bends over backwards and lies on the ball with a pained expression on his face. The referee gives no free kick, so quite rightly Robbie Elliot gives the ball a couple of boots, making contact with the prostrate Cole in the process. So what does the ref do? Books Elliot for kicking the ball. Cole's feigned antics receive no punishment.
  14. Wright Phillips is a diving little midget. As for Moore, it's nice to have a centre half who looks like he won't be scared of a physical challenge. You forget that your defenders don't need to be wimps having watched Boumsong's finicky approach to the game. Even at the other end as soon as Moore came on he looked up for a battle when we had that free kick. Let him keep his place and see how it goes.
  15. I feel more sorry for me actually. As fans, we've all suffered the same disappointments as Shearer for the past 10 years. But we don't leave the ground in a sports car after every game or return to a massive house. And none of us have become multi-millionaires over the past 10 years as a consolation to the lack of trophies.
  16. I can get sentimental and feel sorry for him, but at the end of the day, the bloke retires with more money than he can spend, recognised as one of the greatest players of his generation and one of the best English strikers of all time. He'll also go on to earn a fortune as a pundit and then more money still as a manager. Hard to feel sorry for a bloke like that. As has been mentioned, his decision to stay on this season was for one reason - the record - and has been to the detriment of the team. On current form he'll struggle to get a game at his testimonial.
  17. I'm having real problems picturing the Leazes fella sitting listening to Coldplay.
  18. I use them in real conversations. They trump everything anyone else has to say tbh.
  19. Roger. Complete with safari suit.
  20. Oh aye, we'll probably get to finally see Moore tonight, won't we? How exciting!
  21. Anyone expecting anything other than a humbling defeat tonight? Is SLP still claiming we'll win the cup?
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