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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Ive always understood these things are pretty easily picked up? I thought us earthlings constantly searched for them. i know we probably couldnt do much about it except and though! Anymore cheerful friday topics Gemmill? 110219[/snapback] Too far away and too small to be picked up apparently. Unless some nerd happened to be pointing a telescope in the right place at the right time, but it's unlikely.
  2. I just hope to fuck Boro don't get to the final.
  3. Amazing how life runs innit? So currently Scott Parkers writing the following post on the NUFC players forum saying "just bumped into some tit at the garage filling his Smart car up, £12 to fill the tank!, well he introduced himself and hes only called Scott n'all! I tells ya, Im changing me name. 110148[/snapback] Ha! I didn't even introduce myself - that's right, I made that bit up. Hoaxer becomes hoaxed. How d'you like them apples?
  4. Isn't it time you put your most excellent talents to a wind-up about some rich arab coming in to buy that lot down the road?? Boy, that would be the wind-up of all wind-ups. 110147[/snapback] Agreed. Just to reiterrate though, I definitely havent got an animal shaped nob. 110151[/snapback] What species group does a maggot fall into then? Malmaison's nice and tarty for hotels btw.
  5. Just bumped into Scott Parker at the BP Garage on the Coast Road filling up his big fuck off Range Rover and paying in cash - 90 fucking quid to fill the tank. Obviously I took the opportunity to introduce myself and point out what a coincidence it was that I was called Scott too.
  6. We'll have to go somewhere other than the Trent pre-match. His name is still muck in there.
  7. Fair enough, but I don't remember anything like that from a "Brief history of time". 110054[/snapback] Me neither, so boo sucks to you Alexis Colby!
  8. Such hard work that you don't actually remember to send the SAE and then nearly shit yourself when you think you're not going to get your ticket 110048[/snapback] Zip it beehatch!
  9. It just saves us going to the bar twice as often 109979[/snapback] Hell's teeth! You're always on that Breezer shite anyways so I don't know who's rattled your cage missy! 110011[/snapback] Aye, but she drinks two of them at once. 110022[/snapback] Double-fisted.
  10. Aye cos I'm sure you'd a) understand and b ) want to wade through the original text of some of the stuff it covers. 110036[/snapback] None of which alters the fact that it's a book for people who need scientific theories simplifying 110038[/snapback] I'd question the word "need" there personally. Want is more apt in my case. 110041[/snapback] I fucking hate Bill Bryson tbh, if it's anything like his travel books, half the stuff will be made up. 110043[/snapback] Blatant agenda tbh. Are you suggesting he's never left his house?
  11. Aye cos I'm sure you'd a) understand and b ) want to wade through the original text of some of the stuff it covers.
  12. Fire at the Copthorne at a guess.
  13. This was turning out to be a good thread until you pervs pervified it as always. Five posts ffs! Anyway, it's a good book by Bryson. The chances of dying by a comet or meteorite strike are quite high in fact. The event itself is very unlikely, but the consequences would be devestating. I think you have to multiply the chance of the event by the chance it would kill you, and hey presto. You are as likely to die by being hit on the head with a rock from space as you are by being run over. Or something. 110021[/snapback] Finally someone with some brains arrives in the thread. Fannies indeed! Aye I'm enjoying the book. Covers loads of stuff, lots of which I vaguely remember from school but couldn't be bothered with at that age. Worth a read.
  14. I'm reading Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything. Anyway there's a bit in it about meteors hitting earth and the effects it would have. It goes into a bit of detail about previous incidents - one in Manson, Iowa and one in the Yucatan Peninsula that's thought to have done for the dinosaurs. According to the scientists he spoke to, if we're going to be hit by one of these things, the first time it'll be visible to the naked eye is when it hits the earth's atmosphere. One second later it'll hit earth. It'll be travelling at such speeds that it'll compress the air beneath it (he compares it to using a bicycle pump) which will cause temperatures of 60,000 degrees centigrade. The resultant blasts and the cloud of ash and dust would kill 1.5 bn within minutes and the clouds would hang around for months, possibly years, blocking out the sun and causing irreparable damage to earth's ability to support life. Even if by some sheer fluke we got a year's warning - which we wouldn't because although these things are massive they are unlikely to be picked up until it's far too late - we still wouldn't be able to do anything about it as we no longer have rockets capable of getting up high enough to do any damage to it - the plans for the Saturn 5 rocket launch were destroyed in a NASA "spring cleaning". Anyway, just something to think about. 1 second away. If we ever got to a cup final where we were comfortably in the lead you just know something like this would happen in injury time.
  15. We had a tortoise. Then some builders came out to do an extension on our house and it went missing. Since then my mam and dad got divorced and both remarried. In a conversation between my mam and my new stepdad, when my mam mentioned where we used to live, it transpired that my stepdad had been one of the builders that did the work on our house - spooky! Anyway he's still under suspicion of tortoise theft and my sister keeps a wary eye on the two cats and a dog that my mam has.
  16. Or is it New Mexico? Or is that where Roswell is?
  17. I'll still stick up for the direct debit scheme. I joined it because I used to forget to apply rather than not be arsed, so the t'internet would make no difference. Except I'd curse myself more for forgetting. 109983[/snapback] I'm on the direct debit scheme an'all but with internet access at work and at home I just think it's less likely that I'd forget to apply. Even though it's hardly any effort at all, the stamped addressed envelope and filling in that form always seemed like such hard work.
  18. Gemmill

    Mr Cash

    CND signs on his pencil case tbh.
  19. I tried to order mine online a week or two ago and it was knackered. When they iron out the problems it's gonna be good though - not worth being on the direct debit scheme when they've got something handy like that instead.
  20. aye crafted me in your own image then rubbed oot all the bad bits and mistakes, added a touch of panache and flair and a sprinkle of sexgod before throwing in a more than generous amount of the 'bastard gene' 109926[/snapback] Also explains why you look a bit like Frankenstein's monster.
  21. Top posts from the old fellas, Leazes and Spongebob in this thread - one for the Gold forum when it's run its course?
  22. The sanctimonious cunt was always going to play the martyr tbh. Bet he's fucking gutted all the threads from yesterday have died a death. Probably thought the place would still be in mourning 109779[/snapback] He'll be steaming at some of the stuff that's been said about him an'all. Mind Craig, I can't believe you've coaxed me into a false alarm "busting" over there!
  23. Has anyone pointed this out over there? If not, can I please?
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