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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. HTT, I was genuinely interested in answers to the questions I asked on N-O, and wasn't "acting the bollocks". Next time I'll know the best way to get an answer is to ask you. You can then go and stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself and get back to me when you've responded.
  2. 30 notes on O'Neill at a combined price of around 2/1. Shite odds, but better than 100 quid on Hitzfeld eh, Dotbum?
  3. Yeah, his dodgy boots reason was far better than this. 111122[/snapback] He should follow Paul Scholes' example. Double vision would actually make a lot of sense.
  4. I decided against cancelling my trip to Australia despite it clashing with the testimonial. I forfeit my soopafan status as a result though, I see. I did still buy the ticket though if that counts for anything 111097[/snapback] Australia with 3rd generation criminals or Alan Shearers testimonial? Not a hard choice mate! 111108[/snapback] You're right - I'd pick Australia every time given the choice.
  5. It's brown. And full of chocolate. 111027[/snapback] Are we talking about my man-bag? Might bring it, might not tbh.
  6. Who made HTT mayor ffs 111070[/snapback]
  7. Fucking hell, I sincerely hope he hasn't given up work to concentrate on the campaign like. Jesus wepticles.
  8. I'm having bacon and egg sarnie for tea in tribute to this thread.
  9. Tis true. There's some research that says it's not totally advisable in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy but nowt to stop you the rest of the time. 110998[/snapback] Bad news, I was at it like a sewing machine then, getting my moneys worth before she started showing and knocking me off my stride 111000[/snapback] Needle-dick?
  10. Can't wait for this to kick in in England.
  11. Was in Jesmond Tesco the other week, fuck me, that place is full of wankers (yes Geordiefish, that's student I'm referring to ). Anyway, this one proper yah lass was talking about double the necessary volume on her mobile when she turned around and said to her mate "Facking hell! They've ran out of polenta!" FFS! 110912[/snapback] I used to have to shop in there when I lived in Jesmoooond (frightfully porsh) a few years back, and it's horrendous. Full of knobbers in rugby shirts with floppy hair blocking up the aisles while they chat with one another, or lasses giving air kisses and hugs to someone that they were probably sat in a lecture with earlier on in the day. The JRA should do something about it!
  12. HTT didn't write the article, but it's utter crap IMO, as I pointed out on there before the board went down before anyone labels me a two-faced snide.
  13. No idea. Hope so. The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned or else the season is going to end in crapness and uncertainty.
  14. I heard they crashed the main board just so that he could come back and spread the gospel for a little while to his disciples. I hope we appoint the new manager soon cos he'll be gutted if he can't pass on his thoughts in humongous posts.
  15. Had a few doners in my teenage years but I haven't had one in a decade I reckon. Filthy things! Chicken kebabs on the other hand.....
  16. Sorry, I didn't realise I was making a direct choice between England winning the world cup and Newcastle shifting two places up the league.
  17. I get a similar gut wrenching feeling when it's my turn to buy Scott a drink and he's sat there telling everyone how much his waistcoat cost etc etc etc. 110868[/snapback] 100% Italian silk you know!
  18. Didn't he just have an existing screw tightened? 110860[/snapback] Nah apparently the initial screw was the wrong length so he's had it replaced.
  19. Ahhh but you said you'd rather save him for England than him WIN us a few games at the end of the season. If he's gonna be winning us games, then I'm not really interested in doing England any favours (SOOPAFANTAKKATASTIC). If he did injure himself he could spend the summer recovering.
  20. A journey inside the mind of a drunken mackem mentalist.
  21. Sounds like his brother's a tosser too then. He's really getting on my nerves with his world cup talk like. 110822[/snapback] Our season is more or less over, tbh I'd rather we had a fit Owen for the world cup, than him win us a few meaningless games then get injured again. 110851[/snapback] Sorry like, but there's half a million quid at stake for each premiership place, not to mention a bit of pride when we play the mackems and boro and a (VERY) outside chance of UEFA Cup qualification. I'd much rather he played the last few games for us and took his chances on the World Cup - for £102k a week, I think he owes it to us.
  22. Not only meeting him but in The Ritzy anarl? Doesn't get much cooler than that like 110847[/snapback] I'm the ultimate charver tbh.
  23. I met Tony Di Bart in the Ritzy an'all.
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