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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Pete's Dragon. If he was a cricketer and dragged onto his stumps. Genius!
  2. Frasier was a bit nerdy an'all tbh. Although it could be funny enough - he's not as annoying as Jerry Seinfeld.
  3. More of a Burt Reynolds man, yourself? 111748[/snapback] Chuck Norris. Burt's bald.
  4. I always just found Seinfeld (the series and the man) too nerdy.
  5. Already been discussed here, old-timer: http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4799 LOUD TUTTING.
  6. Curb your Enthusiasm is class. I thought Seinfeld was cack though - I just don't like Jerry Seinfeld.
  7. SMO, Bittorrent is software that you download to your computer and you can then download shows that people put on their computers. So once a show is on in the US they stick it on the internet to download. Which is how you can watch Lost 2 and the Sopranos 6 NOW - Scottish Mag introduced me to it. Lost's up to episode 16 over there at the mo, and the Sopranos is up to episode 3.
  8. Wouldn't mind seeing Arsenal win the whole thing tbh. Although having said that, I supported Liverpool in last year's final and am sick to the back teeth of that "we won it five times" thing now and wish they'd never won it. So I hope Arsenal can win it, but not be as smug as the scousers about it.
  9. He said something else as well about seeing the "anger in his eyes" at missing a lot of games this season. What's all that about!?
  10. Also known as 'Kissing Disease' I believe. It can knock the stuffing out of you a bit, doubt we'll be seeing him for a couple of weeks. You didn't put your lips on him in that petrol station did you? 111696[/snapback] He tried it on but I made it very clear that I'm not that kind of he/she.
  11. Has anyone considered the consequences of their being moved to the top shelf for Wacky?
  12. With suspected glandular fever. Soft southern poof tbh. He'll miss more than Spurs though I would have thought. It floors you for a while, doesn't it?
  13. Does anyone on here buy them? The advert on telly is enough to put me off.
  14. Aye, he was talking at the weekend as well saying that everyone in the country wants an English coach and that it was up to the FA now not to "betray" the public and the top English coaches. What a pillock.
  15. Gave up his job to work full time on "the campaign" is what I heard. Which is utterly ridiculous if true - I resent paying taxes to support the Hitzfeld campaign!
  16. What a pillock. Did he think it was like going shopping?
  17. you're taking the piss right Gemmill? 111557[/snapback]
  18. Good lass. 111488[/snapback] "So Chris....the Hitzfeld campaign?" "Anything you want to know Chris. Shoot." "You're my kind of interviewee Chris." "Here to help, Chris. Now whaddya wanna know." What a fucking goon.
  19. Protesting what? What a fucking dick. Should have hoyed the fucker over the side.
  20. Rightly too. Seeing as the proceeds from these tickets are going to charity it stinks a bit that people would try and make a daft profit on them. Stick to selling Blue Peter badges 111284[/snapback] The money from the initial purchase still goes to charity, so I don't really understand this argument. If someone had nicked them and was selling them on ebay then I'd see the point.
  21. The fact that we've conceded TWO goals in the 13 minutes he WAS on the pitch, and then only ONE in the 77 minutes that he WASN'T on the pitch tells me all I need to know about Albert Luque.
  22. 111432[/snapback] Lazy fucking twat!
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