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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Brimming with show tunes, no doubt. Just finished watching "The Contest", I am thoroughly unimpressed, can someone explain to me what;s genius about it? 111940[/snapback] 20GB of Streisand. Seinfeld's crap man, just give up on it!
  2. The fact that a link with a name like that hasn't been commented on yet by Wacky or Smooth intrigues me.
  3. Saw one episode and it scared the shit out of me. Decided I was better off watching Prisoner Cell Block H. 111921[/snapback] It was one of those where you occasionally had to look away like. Could be pretty unpleasant stuff.
  4. Shut it you tart! Haven't you got any interviews to conduct/attend anyway? 111908[/snapback] Depends who is asking? 111912[/snapback] You, probably.
  5. I've got seasons 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Oz on DVD so if you all watch 1 and 2 elsewhere I'll rent them to you all. Fiver a disc.
  6. Shut it you tart! Haven't you got any interviews to conduct/attend anyway?
  7. Totally lost interest in Prison Break like, Ritchie. One of the best shows EVER for the bittorrent people to download is Oz. Prison drama off HBO - there were 6 series and it's finished now, but it's brilliant. Definitely worth downloading.
  8. Used to watch it when it was just the Vegas one. Bored of it these days though. The Miami one is funny just because of the cheese on that Horatio bloke - unbelievable!
  9. Lost started off alright, but it's getting on my wick now with nowt happening. I've still got a few episodes from the new series that I haven't watched cos I'm losing interest in it. I get the impression the writers themselves didn't really know what they wanted to happen. Twin Peaks was the same - started off class and ended a shambles.
  10. Left bollock or right bollock?
  11. Victim of bad luck. Defo.
  12. I think I've only ever watched one DVD commentary and that was off one of Gervais's stand-ups. It was canny funny but he must be one of the most annoying people in the world to have as a mate. Oh and I watched a commentary of an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, which was funny, but I couldn't do all the series' or anything. The Seinfeld watchers are definitely shaping up to be nerdtacular like - HF (tick), Papa Laz (tick), Renton (tick).
  13. I think we've got another reader of Seinfeld books here lads. I was spot on with my humour for nerds claim.
  14. Can we ban HTT from here as well please?
  15. They all are.....aren't they? 111827[/snapback] Probably. I can only speak for my own though.
  16. Helen Hunt was in it. And Paul Reiser. It was REALLY crap. Cath likes Will and Grace like.
  17. More of a book on how to observe things. ie did you ever notice packs of peanuts on planes are small or did you ever notice man-bag owners prefer shows like Will and Grace. 111807[/snapback] I can't bear Will and Grace. Remember Mad About You? I bet you Seinfeld dweebs are mad about Mad About You. I'm more of a Blossom man.
  18. Hence my constant appearances on NUFC forums. I'm a genius, so I can get by on two hours work per day. 111798[/snapback] If you're studying at Newcastle, even two hours per day is too much. All study for the exams can be done the night before - they teach you say 6 topics in one subject per year and then give you an exam where you have a choice of 2 from 4 topics. All you have to do then is memorise your notes word for word for 4 topics the night before and reproduce them in the exam. It was like that for everything apart from the statistical stuff. My degree was honestly easier than my A-Levels.
  19. Favourite show ever Seinlanguage it's called. 111790[/snapback] It's all right, Gemmill has successfully out-gayed you by dancing around his man-bag, filled with fruit smoothies no doubt. 111795[/snapback] I have got it with me today actually - it's got my ipod and some other stuff in it - an invaluable addition to any man's wardrobe. I'm all about the accessories tbh.
  20. Most sitcoms are crap though. So it's not hard to make one that's better than the average. Seinfeld's still pap though IMO.
  21. I've got an Economics degree. It's not a lot of fun to study.
  22. Preposterous! No way would a nerd use a cool word like that to ridicule an argument.
  23. The whole point of it is taking the piss out of the brothers' snobbiness and nerdiness, though. Does not compute tbh. 111763[/snapback] I know that man, you plum! I meant it was FOR nerds an'all though. I'm too cool for stuff like that is what I'm telling you. 111765[/snapback] I am nerdy though, so are you 111781[/snapback] Now THAT really does not compute. Are you MAD?! You being a nerd I'll accept - "did you know" posts being evidence of that, but me? ME???
  24. Why don't you just be his bitch on here for a while? 111780[/snapback] He must be missing the frequent "Great post HTT!" to be fair. He has to work for it a bit more over here.
  25. Leazes Mag-esque tbh. 111770[/snapback] I'm the Uber-UglyMackems tbh EDIT: BTW, I predicted your response to my previous post too 111771[/snapback] You're on a roll!
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