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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Deserve a mention for your avatar at the very least. 112834[/snapback] I wouldnt mind giving "The Shocker" to that bird in your avatar...who is that fine specimen? 112835[/snapback] That is the totally gorgeous Monica Bellucci. 112839[/snapback] Fancies me, her.
  2. Can't believe the grief Alex gives about bad telly, then he watches Corrie.
  3. What do I think of this thread? Shit (laughs......then scowls.)
  4. Unfortunately not. I think we've got another 3 weeks or so of him.
  5. I thought they tried to avoid the comparison by making the leads rather stupid. The Jews were going along minding their own business when they got virtually wiped out of Europe. These Americans came to Europe looking for girls they can't get at home, causing trouble in clubs, bitching that the TV doesn't have subtitles. They're jack-asses who think the world should cater to them rather than attempting to fit in with the world. I think Eli Roth might be making a point that Americans are pariahs outside of their own country, but was careful to show the behaviour that makes it so. 111249[/snapback] I didn't think that the contrast was there to show that that one led to the other, I thought he was saying 'Hey, we understand that Americans can be idiots, too" and that maybe he understands where the dislike(hatred?) comes from. Do you think they behaved like that because they were young men, or because they were Americans? The American client at the end was an open admission of what's wrong with some Americans, but I thought the boys were typical of Western culture, and humanity, not the just the US. There were too many pointers to anti-semitism for me to dismiss, maybe on their own, but not all together. The scene where they're being abused and shit thrown down on them on the Amsterdam street was hugely evocative for me, and to a lesser extent did the torture chambers remind you of anything? It's littered with other suggestions, Anne Frank Huis is a popular attraction, but seems a little out of character for their holiday. The problem with racial hatred and xenophobia is that the accusations are often based on half truths that are quite difficult to refute. But saying that all Americans are like that, and have ultimately brought it on themselves should be no different than saying similar things about the holocaust, but it's acceptable to mock Americans now, it reminds me of Orwell's essay on the treatment of Jews in the UK after WWII, accepted. I don't think it's an accident that it can be argued either way, or am I reading too much into it? 111258[/snapback] Fuck me, have you and HF been reading his film book to one another?
  6. Game over. And that should be that lot out with any luck.
  7. Ah. They haven't done too bad then.
  8. What's this keeper's real name? They've called him allsorts throughout this match on 5 and finally seem to have settled on zoolaboola!? It says Zubi on the back of his top.
  9. Not only can you hear the can being opened, but recognise the distinctive sound of a Diet Coke? You truly are an expert in your field. 112462[/snapback] Up yours! And you, McGroin!
  10. Is that right? What a fucking arsehole! You deserve to run out to an empty stadium on your testimonial if that's the sort of bloke you are.
  11. Aye, proper spac-attack that like.
  12. Fucking hell that looked a nasty one for Pogatetz. Was it just his nose or did something happen to his eye an'all. Ewww.
  13. It wouldn't be my first choice but if every fucker else is doing it, better to be on the inside looking out than the outside looking in. I used to say that I'd hate for us to end up like Chelsea, as some billionaire's plaything, but if that's gonna be the way of things in football (and it probably is), then let's not miss the boat. If the alternative is being perennially shitty middle of the road also-rans then fuck that!
  14. Aye, if they HADN'T just won the European Cup, and they weren't picking up cups every few years, I doubt his patter would be the same.
  15. That's almost exactly the image I have of GF, am I wrong? 112557[/snapback]
  16. Show your face, boyyyyyy!
  17. Again? No class them lot, in 10 years or so of European football you can count incidents involving wor lot on one hand if that. 112635[/snapback] Aye they had to send the riot police in to the crowd at half time.
  18. Boro fans causing bother AGAIN. Everywhere they go in Europe it seems to follow them....
  19. I spoke to a couple of Boro fans today. The world's largest watches and jewellery show started in Basel today - it's absolutely impossible to get a hotel room in or around the town at that time of the year. Apparently more than 400 of them weren't aware of that and arrived in Basel last night. Needless to say the couple I spoke to were absolutely knackered! 112628[/snapback] Blatantly just a cuckoo clock exhibition.
  20. Away. Look at the ugly bastards looking gutted in the crowd.
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