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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Do you think you have to show your ASBO to get in?
  2. It's still a possibility obviously with 5 of the 6 very winnable, but you'd have to expect that it's not gonna happen. How far are the UEFA Cup places coming down in the League anyway - if West Ham got to the Cup Final vs Liverpool or Chelsea and also finished in the top 7 does that mean 8th place would carry a UEFA Cup spot?
  3. You look at all of those photos and there is NOTHING going on behind the eyes is there? A club full of fucking braindead dolescum. The state of some of them as well - it's as if they've spliced human genes with rodents. Imagine working on the cloakroom - you'd have the burberry pattern burnt onto your retinas by the end of the night.
  4. Gemmill


    Why you talking about yourself?
  5. It's a fucking disgrace that Jenas is gonna be going to the world cup this summer.
  6. Do you think Parker would have got onto the end of the first goal? Do you think he would've been running into the box to win the penalty? I couldn't see it. 113335[/snapback] No he wouldn't, but they're a different type of player. I like Bowyer and I like the way he plays - box to box, chases down lost causes, tracks back and puts the boot in when it's needed, but I like Parker an'all. I wonder how long Parker's been playing with this glandular fever as well as it sounds like he's been under the weather for a while, and he's looked a bit off the pace in games recently too.
  7. Happy Birthday mate. Hope it was a good one.
  8. Cobblers. I have no interest in becoming everyone's favourite second team - what good did it do us last time? It's nice to watch good football, but if I leave the ground having watched us play great and get beat, I'm not as happy as if we've scrapped it out and won. I'll take winning anyday.
  9. Is Radgepacket coming like? I'm scared!
  10. As Alex is when reminded there still are more posters than he has hairs on his heed ... 113148[/snapback] I've learned that Freddy Shepherd is top of the pops!
  11. Hey SLP, I tried Momins. It was alright. Although the rice was watery.
  12. I'm translating the annual report of a company who've just converted from U.S. GAAP to IFRS without seeming to have a clue about either. Which is useful, because I can just make it all up and they won't be any the wiser. 113110[/snapback] I'm taking a break from the calculation to approve the bank recs. Approving is easy. Pig in poop-tastic.
  13. I'm trying to calculate the IFRS Foreign Exchange adjustment. It's doing my head in.
  14. What made you think that would be of interest to anyone but you?
  15. VICKET! As they say in India. Dhoni gone. 210-6. 17 required.
  16. I love the fact that you interviewed yourself. I REALLY love that.
  17. India require 52 off the last 8 overs. 6.5 runs an over.
  18. Can we ban HTT from here as well please? Just for fun.
  19. Never denied it, I have eclectic tastes man, I don't run with the crowd And yes, Sammy, that's the boiler I'm on about. 112817[/snapback] Don't run with the crowd. Corrie's proper underground like.
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