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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. We'll see. There's nothing to say that this particular group are coming for any reason other than to watch the match. If they act themselves they'll be easy to spot up in the corner of the Milburn anyway and they'll get hoyed out.
  2. Is that really a message board all about trainers?
  3. Nah it looks alright actually Wacky. I just cannot for the life of me picture you with a little un at a bird sanctuary though.
  4. "It looks a little like death row, doesn't it? I'm sorry, Mr. Hawk. Your pardon has been turned down. You have been found guilty of pre-meditated homicide of a mouse, and you'll be hanged by the neck until dead. And don't try to hover up so that the rope goes slack. Because they could do that, couldn't they? If you tried to hang a hawk, they could always hover so the rope went slack. So, I suppose if you were going to execute a bird of prey the most humane way would be death by firing squad."
  5. I think I heard him. Was he sat towards the aisle in your row (you're in J, right?)? Wasn't convinced I was hearing what I was hearing but you've just confirmed it. 113630[/snapback] Was that Leazes level 7? I never saw him but my mate said some fat twat in an England strip was zeig heiling doing the whole tache and salute thing. Nah, Milburn Level 7 mate. There was also a bloke in a Spurs top and a bloke in a Liverpool top (????) who were obviously together, who got shifted by the stewards just after Spurs scored. Presumably they were being relocated for celebrating, the mongs!
  6. I think I heard him. Was he sat towards the aisle in your row (you're in J, right?)? Wasn't convinced I was hearing what I was hearing but you've just confirmed it.
  7. Wacky trying to get this place closed down so someone'll post on his board tbh.
  8. Got you a permanent IP ban as well. What a dickhead. 113599[/snapback] Like I could give a shit, but Bloody hell censorship in all it's glory. It's OK to post someone's personal details but drop a bit of bait and KAZAM Bunch of bloody stupid kids over there anywhere. 113602[/snapback] You posted "Thank fuck for AIDS" in a thread discussing homophobia. What did you expect?? 113604[/snapback] To be precise I posted "thank fuck for aids eh?" with a fishing smiley Clearly a wind-up, but the collective obviously didn't see it that way. Anyway it's not important, there was never much decent footy crack over there and seeing I don't play any version of championship manager I was always WAY out of the conversation 113606[/snapback] Stick around mate, we could do with some decent members like you. 113608[/snapback] Fuck off! Don't lumber us with him and then fuck off back to N-O!
  9. Got you a permanent IP ban as well. What a dickhead. 113599[/snapback] Like I could give a shit, but Bloody hell censorship in all it's glory. It's OK to post someone's personal details but drop a bit of bait and KAZAM Bunch of bloody stupid kids over there anywhere. 113602[/snapback] You posted "Thank fuck for AIDS" in a thread discussing homophobia. What did you expect?? And the bloke that posted someone's personal details is posting on here now cos he got banned.
  10. How long before the press have to admit that he might just not be the future of English football management?
  11. Got you a permanent IP ban as well. What a dickhead.
  12. I would have thought you'd be more sensitive to this sort of thing, what with your confusion over whether your the interviewer or the interviewee. 113594[/snapback] Fuck off bum tickler. 113596[/snapback]
  13. I would have thought you'd be more sensitive to this sort of thing, what with your confusion over whether your the interviewer or the interviewee.
  14. Well I think the chants were out of order. I didn't hear them at the match, but all this craic about "it was just a joke" or "he hasn't even come out so it can't be homophobia" are excuses. I'm all for having a laugh and can take the piss and have the piss taken out of me about anything, and I CAN see the humour in a spontaneous thing like "Taxi for Rockshots" but when a bunch of people chant "gay-boy" and "takes it up the arse" to a young lad who may or may not be struggling with his sexuality, I think it's out of order. And I'm amazed at the number of people prepared to laugh it off as acceptable. If that's me taking myself too seriously as has been suggested, then that's just fine with me.
  15. Turns out DJ OMI is a moderator. I would be thoroughly fucking ashamed of myself if I was moderator on that board.
  16. Is no one else signing up like? DJ OMI is online now too. A real life DJ!
  17. Have you seen From Dawn Til Dusk? That's the sort of vibe I'm getting.
  18. Bastards! Fucking shameful that it's based up here an'all.
  19. Got me new sig from those lyrics. Seriously though, if you could exterminate people through their IP address that would be a good place to start. Or at least sterilise them to stop them spreading their evil seed.
  20. They've got a messageboard. We should either: Sign up and reconstruct this thread over there. OR When this thread has finished and we're bored of taking the piss out of them, post a link to it on their board. I prefer the second option because I'd feel dirty moving amongst them on their board.
  21. Look at him in the middle giving the fingers. "I've got tracksuit bottoms on in a nightclub. In fact I get all of my going out clothes from JD Sports, so FUCK YOUUUUUUUUU!"
  22. I'm glad to hear he wants it sorted before the end of the season. I think that's vital to give the new bloke time to prepare for next season.
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