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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Good on them. Getting charged £35 for going £1 overdrawn is a disgrace and is basically almost pure profit for the banks. Out of order.
  2. Gemmill


    Can we ban J69 as well please?
  3. Gemmill


    That'll be me then, only a small forum and I thought the thread deserved posting. http://thewrestlingasylum.com/showthread.php?t=3646 Luckily I hardly ever post here, so my credibility being destroyed shouldn't do too much harm. 117085[/snapback] You need to register to see the thread and there's no way I'm stooping that low.
  4. Gemmill


    Can you do masters degrees in media? As if doing a normal degree in media wasn't a big enough waste of time!? Have we banned her? If not, can we?
  5. Gemmill


    Quality work by the mackem. Blatant pro-kerb crawler though tbh.
  6. Never gonna happen mate (the debt bit) 117027[/snapback] Agree. Gets worse every week for me. 117028[/snapback] And the good news for you whippersnappers is - I'm 20 years older than you lot so I can say with confidence - you've got DECADES of it left (wish there was an evil laugh smiley) 117032[/snapback] It'll take me decades to pay my current debt off, never mind the stuff I continue to take on. Not even including mortgage. 117037[/snapback] Best way is, just acknowledge it's a fact of life and don't get down about it. In all seriousness, I do feel sorry about kids today (eeeee what a codger eh!!), at least I've got a house and that's the "money in the bank" so to speak. With property prices the way they are how the fuck are people gonna cope in future. My kids'll be alright though, they'll be minted if I croak BUT if I get really REALLY old it'll be all gone on paying nurses to wipe my arse etc etc 117043[/snapback] Aye that's my attitude. Either way it's not really my concern when I peg it and although it's at fairly silly levels, it's still manageable.
  7. Gemmill


    was quite funny up til that point. Listen 'pet' you're in Ireland and I have it on good authority (Wacks) that his nobs not that big! 117061[/snapback] Busted tbh. Don't do anything silly like posting personal details to prove your point pease.
  8. Gemmill


    Jesus wept. I wouldn't care if he/she had turned up and made a reasonable fist of pretending to be this lass, but to blow it all in your very first post!? Disappointing. Very disappointing.
  9. Gemmill


    He hasn't met you yet love. Nice try though.
  10. Gemmill


    Smooth, can you help this Coyler lad out. He's gutted that your knob photo hasn't been posted. :lol: http://www.ynwa.tv/forum/index.php?showtopic=95289&st=40
  11. I wonder where else this place is being linked from. I know we have the scousers and the mackems board, but that guy from the wrestling board reckons its doing the rounds on other forums... 117036[/snapback] Can't believe it's on a wrestling forum. The thought of a load of roided up blokes in spandex with their faces painted, sat in front of a monitor is a bit disconcerting. "I'm gon' crush your skuuuuull."
  12. Never gonna happen mate (the debt bit) 117027[/snapback] Agree. Gets worse every week for me. 117028[/snapback] And the good news for you whippersnappers is - I'm 20 years older than you lot so I can say with confidence - you've got DECADES of it left (wish there was an evil laugh smiley) 117032[/snapback] It'll take me decades to pay my current debt off, never mind the stuff I continue to take on. Not even including mortgage.
  13. 71 guests online. Porvorts to a man.
  14. Never gonna happen mate (the debt bit) 117027[/snapback] Agree. Gets worse every week for me.
  15. I would think you'd get a better price if it's not even gonna start!?
  16. Gemmill


    If any of the filthy gets from the SMB want in on it, the thread could mebbes do with some fresh impetus. Does Delscottio post on here under a different guise then?
  17. Gemmill


    Post the link to where you picked this up from please mate. Just out of interest.
  18. I don't enjoy watching the National like. Hate seeing all the horses getting cattled on the frankly ludicrous forests they set up for them to jump over. But this thread's about office sweeps, so shhhh. 116970[/snapback] OK I'll shut up, I'll rein in my equineophobia 116987[/snapback] Any "Thank God for the Grand National EH?" posts will see you banned.
  19. Looks like we've acquired a couple of scousers thanks to that thread like. Renton'll be pleased.
  20. 17 year old in SHOWING OFF HIS BUM FLUFF SHOCKER! 116956[/snapback] I bet I can grow a better beard in a week than you could in 2. FACT. 116964[/snapback] Are you going to take the challenge Gemmill? 116969[/snapback] I'm a young(ish) professional. I can't be looking like Robinson Crusoe!? It's different for a scruffy young get like Brock. 116972[/snapback] You fucking wussy! 116974[/snapback] If he wants the title of beard king, he's welcome to it. I'm 30 years old man, I'm not playing beard races! 116976[/snapback] Because you can only grown spuds on that chin We could have a starter pistol an arl! Long race mind. 116981[/snapback] Piss off Teenwolf!
  21. Last year I had a bet on the one that was miles out in front until that stray horse turned up and guided it straight into the railing fence. Gutted.
  22. 17 year old in SHOWING OFF HIS BUM FLUFF SHOCKER! 116956[/snapback] I bet I can grow a better beard in a week than you could in 2. FACT. 116964[/snapback] Are you going to take the challenge Gemmill? 116969[/snapback] I'm a young(ish) professional. I can't be looking like Robinson Crusoe!? It's different for a scruffy young get like Brock. 116972[/snapback] You fucking wussy! 116974[/snapback] If he wants the title of beard king, he's welcome to it. I'm 30 years old man, I'm not playing beard races!
  23. 17 year old in SHOWING OFF HIS BUM FLUFF SHOCKER! 116956[/snapback] I bet I can grow a better beard in a week than you could in 2. FACT. 116964[/snapback] Are you going to take the challenge Gemmill? 116969[/snapback] I'm a young(ish) professional. I can't be looking like Robinson Crusoe!? It's different for a scruffy young get like Brock.
  24. I don't enjoy watching the National like. Hate seeing all the horses getting cattled on the frankly ludicrous forests they set up for them to jump over. But this thread's about office sweeps, so shhhh.
  25. 17 year old in SHOWING OFF HIS BUM FLUFF SHOCKER! 116956[/snapback] I bet I can grow a better beard in a week than you could in 2. FACT. 116964[/snapback] Confirmed. DEFINITELY a 17 year old showing off his bumfluff tbh.
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