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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. They'll all be back on Monday morning when they get into work, checking on what will no doubt be the crushing disappointment that is the climax of the thread.
  2. Gemmill


    Approaching 20,000 views.
  3. Thing is like, I've heard loads about him, but I've honestly never seen him play. 117178[/snapback] Nah, me neither. Can't stop scoring in the Dutch league is all I know. We'll make a Tommasson of him yet. 117182[/snapback] I've seen him in a couple of domestic and European games for Feyernoord and a couple of Dutch internationals. He really looks like a top player, strong and prolific. Don't think you can compare him to Tomasson tbh as Kuyt is more mature and already captain of one of the top teams in the Dutch league. He is at least the calibre we should be looking at to replace Shearer. 117210[/snapback] I just meant that if anyone can derail his career, we can, you dopey get. 117211[/snapback] I actually know what you meant, I just wanted to state that I think why there is the (highly unrealistic) possibility why we would not be able to derail his career, you fat, debtridden bastid. 117215[/snapback] Debtridden as an insult eh? Very good! 117217[/snapback] Well, to me an accountant who can't control his finances is as competent as an obese nutritionist... 117228[/snapback] I'm not paid to control my finances. And I don't have to announce them to prospective employees in the same way that an obese nutritionist would have to "announce" his obesity.
  4. If Boro win the UEFA Cup it'll be easier for Newcastle to attract good players? Problem in your logic tbh.
  5. Tenner says sammy takes that comment seriously and goes off on one.
  6. Aye that's them. And yep, that was my official title.
  7. Thing is like, I've heard loads about him, but I've honestly never seen him play. 117178[/snapback] Nah, me neither. Can't stop scoring in the Dutch league is all I know. We'll make a Tommasson of him yet. 117182[/snapback] I've seen him in a couple of domestic and European games for Feyernoord and a couple of Dutch internationals. He really looks like a top player, strong and prolific. Don't think you can compare him to Tomasson tbh as Kuyt is more mature and already captain of one of the top teams in the Dutch league. He is at least the calibre we should be looking at to replace Shearer. 117210[/snapback] I just meant that if anyone can derail his career, we can, you dopey get. 117211[/snapback] I actually know what you meant, I just wanted to state that I think why there is the (highly unrealistic) possibility why we would not be able to derail his career, you fat, debtridden bastid. 117215[/snapback] Debtridden as an insult eh? Very good!
  8. Thing is like, I've heard loads about him, but I've honestly never seen him play. 117178[/snapback] Nah, me neither. Can't stop scoring in the Dutch league is all I know. We'll make a Tommasson of him yet. 117182[/snapback] I've seen him in a couple of domestic and European games for Feyernoord and a couple of Dutch internationals. He really looks like a top player, strong and prolific. Don't think you can compare him to Tomasson tbh as Kuyt is more mature and already captain of one of the top teams in the Dutch league. He is at least the calibre we should be looking at to replace Shearer. 117210[/snapback] I just meant that if anyone can derail his career, we can, you dopey get.
  9. Would tie in with your Hiddink theory (assuming you weren't taking the piss) which would be a very nice outcome indeed. 117198[/snapback] No, I wasn't taking the piss about Hiddink. I have no insider knowledge - other than the cheese, of course - but I would give wor lass multiple orgasms if he did end up here. 117201[/snapback] I reckon she can rest easy tbh. Even if it is Hiddink.
  10. Gemmill


    Your infidel asses are grass tbh.
  11. Saw that, don't think I've watched the third part yet. I got bored: Corporations are evil, we get it... Why oh why did I mention the HAL thing in my post? I had little hope of a serious answer to my question on here anyway, now I'm more likely to pay for this console with my lottery winnings. 117184[/snapback] Third part? I saw it all in one sitting - 2 hours long or so? I thought it was alright like, although I know what you mean. One of the companies featured on it was a client that I worked on for 3 years - Bechtel. The ones who set up a water treatment plant in Bolivia and then fleeced the locals, demanding they pay for their water. They had protests outside the office when I was working there about that.
  12. Thing is like, I've heard loads about him, but I've honestly never seen him play. 117178[/snapback] Nah, me neither. Can't stop scoring in the Dutch league is all I know. We'll make a Tommasson of him yet.
  13. Finishing: 19 OMG!!11!! SIGN HIM UP LOL!!11
  14. Anyone seen the documentary The Corporation btw? There's a bit in it about how IBM made a fortune designing a punchcard system that documented the fate of all of the captured jews. It literally had checkboxes on there for how they were scheduled to die.
  15. Gemmill


    Mohammed shirley? 117157[/snapback] No, Our Lady was the one I was always tough. A cartoon of mohammed on a moped would get us a fatwa, and we're in enough trouble as it it. 117165[/snapback] Random displays of nailsness?
  16. Dunno mate. And all these players the papers have been linking us with recently, most of us have assumed that it's bollocks for that reason. But it looks like they're at least sending the scouts out to have a look so that the new bloke can make an informed choice, I suppose.
  17. Roeder's better than Curbishley. FACTATTACK.
  18. Gemmill


    Have you heard of Google? 117152[/snapback] HUH? [/Dogtanian]
  19. Gemmill


    Seriously, there isn't a font big enough to type how much of a bellend you're being. Can we stop giving him attention now and he might go away? No more replying to him. I've had the last word!
  20. Gemmill


    Where do you get all these Christ on a bike variations from? And do you do requests?
  21. Don't know much about the lad, but he can't seem to stop scoring. Mind, we'd face pretty stiff competition to get him, you would think?? Glad to see us identifying targets for the summer an'all. Even bearing in mind that Roeder won't be in charge then.
  22. Gemmill


    Personally I don't even think it'll be her that picks the envelope up. I reckon it's a scam. Which is where I think the humour is. If you're not interested though, instead of letting everyone know how much more interesting you are than them because this sort of thing doesn't amuse you, why not go and do something that does amuse you. Like colouring your trainers in with a marker pen.
  23. Gemmill


    Let's not sully this thread with the "who said what to who" cobblers that is the J69/mags saga. Bores the tits off me tbh.
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