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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Gemmill


    Are you in the middle of a nervous breakdown, or did someone dictate that to you? 118623[/snapback] Must have been dictated. If you say the words in an Irish accent it's spot on.
  2. Gemmill


    Are you Ronan in disguise?
  3. Gemmill


    Rag week tbh. Psycho bird!
  4. Gemmill


    Are you Alan Oliver? 118559[/snapback] kneejerking whore!!! 118601[/snapback] Ya wha?
  5. If you liked Taxi Driver or Falling Down. Yeah. Not as good as either, but still good. 117393[/snapback] Enjoyed it. Felt sorry for the poor fucker though.
  6. Gemmill


    Fuck me, you've changed your tune!
  7. Just an excuse to come over and stroke your face tbh.
  8. Gemmill


    Place is full of them. Especially the writers and mods.
  9. Gemmill


    Thanks for the advice. If it was up to you this thread would have been over on page one man, you wacky funster you!
  10. I can't believe I have either......in fact, I DON'T believe I have.....in fact I HAVEN'T. You've just made that up man! Rent boy.
  11. On a similar note....not a revenge story....a mate of mine was staying at a hotel in Spain, and like some of these places do, the hotel had a sort of pet parrot that would sit and squawk in its cage and talk to people as they went past. Anyway, he came home one night mortal and decided in his pissed state, after a brief chat with the parrot, that he needed to set it free. He opened the cage and was swinging it around trying to convince the parrot to get out.....only he accidentally let go, threw it in the pool, and both cage and parrot sunk to the bottom. I shouldn't laugh, but. He didn't even dive in to try and save it. Anyway they had the police in the next day and he was questioned along with most of the people staying at the hotel, but he managed to keep a straight face and got away with parrot murder!
  12. Gemmill


    Thick as mince though but.
  13. I had a look at the Coconut Man link you posted last week, but I couldn't work out what it was all about. Now I know!
  14. Gemmill


    He's starting to show some promising signs. I liken it to a coma patient moving a finger or fluttering an eyelid. Who knows, one day he might actually wake up all together.
  15. Gemmill


    That was me. You're fucking pissed 118238[/snapback] Enjoy your seat right next to the Toon fans mate? I'm surprised you managed to keep your composure when that bloke just in front of you was getting slaughtered before kick off by a few Toon fans just along from me shouted all sorts of paedo related abuse at him! 118276[/snapback] i was spotted??? That guy was a cunt lol. Did you see me cheering when shola scored? When i went to get my ticket they said "where do you want to sit" i said "where's available" and they said "any part of the stadium" Testa Mora sat beside me in the second half 118335[/snapback] So ...she a looker then? 118385[/snapback] Well you spotted me, so make your own mind up! 118447[/snapback] That's a blatant no.
  16. Is it ok with Rob W if we're pleased that we beat Boro, or should we have wanted them to win what with them representing the country in Europe blah blah etc? I do hope I haven't made myself look "ridiculous" again.
  17. As Ray Parker Jr once nearly said: I ain't scared of no birds.
  18. Gemmill


    Whilst that would be funny, it sounds about as legal as what he's doing.
  19. Evidently the German press have reported that Ottmar farted today and it sounded like Tooooooon in a raspy sort of way. I guess the baord is inundated with the believers trying to divine what this arse-cheek portent means 118263[/snapback]
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