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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I'm not ginger, you Scottish ball bag!
  2. Gemmill


    I tell you what, Karl is doing his best for The Fish here. Deserves some sort of Toontastic award.
  3. Al Sharpton is like an Eddie Murphy character tbh. He was hilarious on Louis Theroux.
  4. My mam used to read her books when me and my sister were little. She used to be fucking terrified! The terror was because of you, not the books I was a little angel, I'll have you know. My sister was the devil child.
  5. WTF is that all about?! From what I can gather him and his mates came out of a strip club and the police filled their car with bullets? None of the lads in the car were armed. Is he supposed to have been up to no good?
  6. Gemmill


    I thought Dell had some killer customer service. Can you not get on the blower to them? I'm sure they would provide you with the system restore disk.
  7. Speaking of ginger 'fros, the lad who did Napoleon Dynamite is teaming up with Will Ferrel to make a movie about two rival ice skating stars. Sounds promising.
  8. I know I know, some of your best friends have watched the Cosby show... you're positively ethnic aren'tcha? I've practically got a 'fro ffs! a ginger one ?? I'm not ginger, you dizzy bint! You looked to have a hint of the ging on your Kevin and Perry photos though.
  9. I know I know, some of your best friends have watched the Cosby show... you're positively ethnic aren'tcha? I've practically got a 'fro ffs!
  10. Thought you'd be into Faith tbh. Those things are so big, gravity fucking DEMANDS that they're symmetrical.
  11. Wasn't that last year? Do you actually watch this shit then? A few years ago now. I watched that one cos it was hilarious. Peter Andre in the jungle pretending he was a tortured musical genius, singing Insania to his fellow jungle-buddies, and desperately trying to get into Jordan's kegs every night was class. thought that read "Jungle-Bunnies", saw who wrote and actually said out loud. "Figures" I'm no racist, twatboy slim!
  12. You raise a pretty good point actually. Once the attendances start to drop, or season ticket take-up falls, we're gonna struggle to shift any general sale tickets if we're asking £39 for them. Pisstake really.
  13. Wasn't that last year? Do you actually watch this shit then? A few years ago now. I watched that one cos it was hilarious. Peter Andre in the jungle pretending he was a tortured musical genius, singing Insania to his fellow jungle-buddies, and desperately trying to get into Jordan's kegs every night was class.
  14. £31 a ticket if you get a season ticket - bargain!
  15. Unbelievable that programme. It reached its peak when Peter Andre was walking around bent over trying to hide the fact he had a stot-on after Jordan had told him to fuck off back to his bed cos he wasn't getting any.
  16. Aesthetically pleasing? Memory of an elephant. Re: shagging stepmother, the answer is never! What is wrong with you people? For the record, I wouldn't shag mine even if her chebs doubled in size.
  17. Gemmill


    I've got both btw. Both good for different things. Although I think if I could afford one of the top of the range macs, I wouldn't bother with a PC.
  18. Gemmill


    Scroll up and look at the advice above daft lad. Just making sure you don't miss it!
  19. My mam used to read her books when me and my sister were little. She used to be fucking terrified!
  20. Gemmill


    ok, lets not get dramatic My pc is broken.... I'm not a pretentious Gay. Silly tithead! I've got two, would you like one?
  21. I assume Calzaghe is looking to boost his profile in America with this fight. Surely that's the only motivation for losing one of his belts to fight some reality TV gimp.
  22. No, still shagging his mother, ffs! Not his fault her chebs have grown, to be fair to the lad. Perfectly understandable.
  23. Gemmill


    Ok, I think it's basically time for you to buy a Mac.
  24. Gemmill


    Just run the system recovery thing, cockbag, and stop whining!
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