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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/14/rishi-sunak-class-system-ripley-saltburn?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  2. Looks like they've finally realised they need to take the fight to Farage. They'll be at war with one another now too cos Jenkyns etc will see this as an opportunity to get Reform voters back onside if she has a go at Cameron etc.
  3. We all need to agree not to let them renounce their plastic jockiness. They've made their shitty tartan beds, now they need to lie in them.
  4. This is gonna be red as fuck.
  5. Trust the jocks to not ever even look like making a contest of it, the absolute minnows.
  6. FINE! Wallow in your cynicism and misery!
  7. https://open.substack.com/pub/iandunt/p/hidden-in-the-manifesto-labours-war?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=172g This from Ian Dunt is excellent. It starts off pretty pessimistic, but the stuff about Starmer and the way he intends to govern is, imo, very heartening.
  8. You're younger than I expected. And why the Germany top?
  9. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/trackers/voting-intention?crossBreak=5064 This doesn't give you the age of those leaving the Tories to vote for them, but it shows you the splits across age groups if you play with the graphs. There's a surprising number of young people voting for them - 15% of 18 to 24 year olds with a big spike in recent weeks. The Tories only get 7% of the same age cohort.
  10. He'll come under too much scrutiny as the leader of the official opposition imo. There's skeletons in his closet that decent investigative reporters will expose and it'll finish him. Also, I still think his appeal has a ceiling which is currently way below what's required to ever become PM. Which, if you're opposition leader, is your end goal.
  11. Good point, it would be Deputy PMQs every week cos that cunt would never be there. Starmer could have every Wednesday actually getting on with some graft.
  12. He'll do what he did as an MEP. Turn up for less than half the votes, but get on telly loads and clip up the odd question in Parliament for his social media. I don't know what the requirement is for minority parties to have representation on committees, but he could definitely be a grandstanding cunt in the manner of MTG if he finds his way on to any of them.
  13. This stuff that's coming out this morning about setting up Mission Boards that Starmer will chair across all key objectives, is at least an attempt to do things differently, and evidence of someone with a plan to actually get things done. I'm hopeful. I know everyone is super cynical at the minute, but I've seen nothing to suggest that Starmer doesn't WANT to do the right thing. I hope/think that he's just being very careful not to promise to do these things before he knows the full extent of the challenge.
  14. Best case scenario is Farage kills the Tories but loses in Clacton. That would end his involvement in mainstream politics in this country. He can fuck off and tongue Trump's hole for the rest of his life. Unlikely because Clacton appears to be 70% thick as fuck, but I can dream.
  15. It does become a concern when he's everywhere on the airwaves. The bloke is a proven snake oil salesman, and he's very good at it. He'll start brainwashing the dopes from all age groups if he's given enough air time. I still think he's destined to only ever be a fringe character, but he's a fringe character that's given far too much exposure by the media in the name of ratings. They get him on to say mental shit, and then punish right thinking presenters for calling it out when he says mental shit.
  16. I'm never a cunt to new arrivals FTR. I don't think it's right because I'm an absolutely tip top all around great bloke.
  17. Mordaunt going out like a straight up lunatic.
  18. Next series of STID we'll get introduced to this prick. He'll have put these seats in his living room in front of the telly.
  19. It's one poll and it's a big outlier. YouGov changed their methodology last week and it's been hoying out odd results every since - old methodology would have had Labour's lead closer to 25, not 19. Could be that yougov have fucked their own polling results with their methodology change.
  20. Oh do they know? I was half wondering if we should delete this.
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