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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. There doesn't need to be repercussions, I'm just enjoying them being fucking hopeless wankers for a global audience.
  2. Just been reading about that. This lot are fucked. There's loads more to come out, I'm sure, and they'll make fresh mistakes every week. They're bungling, incompetent idiots by design, it's all just gonna get worse for them from here. That Hegseth looks like he's got some skeletons that could do with exposing. If Der Spiegel is finding this stuff, hacker groups will already have been all over it.
  3. I think they needed someone a bit more imaginative than Reeves as Chancellor. She comes across like a fucking robot, and as BoE alumni she was probably never going to do anything other than continue the status quo of managed decline, despite the early rhetoric.
  4. Absolute dinosaurs itt posting from their laptops. You'll never truly achieve the much coveted "tech neck" look until you've spent 15 years posting to TT from your phone.
  5. I'd do it for that. You get to see a bit of the world if you end up doing European games, and if you could stick it for 15 to 20 years, you'd have built a canny nest egg. Then it's off to the Sky Studio to defend all the mental decisions your mates make. Or if you're Keith Hackett, it's off to twitter to slag off all the mental decisions your mates make.
  6. Btw that means your images aren't working for anyone but you. Who's the PUTZ now, buddy boy!?
  7. Ah I don't use my work laptop, this is all on my phone. Haven't posted on TT from my work computer in about 15 years. That way, danger lies.
  8. @Dazzlerfor your images, are you clicking the Add Files button and uploading them? That's how you do it, you facking melon.
  9. Howard Webb reckons PL referees earn £240k per year on average. That is mad.
  10. That little fucking dweeb playing the hard lad. These people are just funny to me. It's like live action South Park.
  11. It is actually worth watching so far. Tweets from incredibly spiteful Liverpool fans being read out and laughed at.
  12. Enjoyed this little 25 second intro piss take. I haven't watched the rest of it btw, so don't blame me if you keep watching beyond my curated 25 seconds and it's shit.
  13. A great takedown of the terminally shit and unfunny Jerry Seinfeld by my new favourite YouTube channel.
  14. I could not be a politician like. It HAS to be killing Bridget to be talking about stopping free school meals, and the stuff Rayvin posted above. At what point do you decide that you set out with an idealistic view that you would make positive change, but you're just doing Tory shit under a different banner, and maybe this isn't for you? Or do you have to just stay and pay the mortgage. This isn't a dig at Bridget btw, I just used her as an example, but I mean in general. Some of these people must want to murder Reeves.
  15. 250,000 more people, including 50,000 children to be pushed into poverty, and 150,000 people to lose their carer's allowance. But don't worry, cos the markets are taking this news in their stride.
  16. I've just watched a video of Tulsi Gabbard asked if she thinks it's responsible of her, as head of the intelligence community, to retweet people affiliated with Russian state media. Her answer: that was from my personal account.
  17. Nah, he's fully down the rabbit hole. The video I posted this morning is a pretty good summary of what's happened to him. He was always a thick stoner idiot, but while he was just making dick jokes and talking about UFC, that was fine. But Covid basically broke him, and now he exists in his own universe in Austin, owns a comedy club, and has a set of idiot comedians that rely on him for their future careers. You're right that he's massively influential though. Which is the ultimate indictment of where we are as a species.
  18. This lad has properly got it in for Rogan and the Roganverse. These are like Adam Curtis doing Rogan takedowns.
  19. Hope you get sorted. I've been on antobiotics for most of the first 3 months of this year, off them as of last week and hoping stuff is sorted. It isn't completely, I already know, but he's explained that it's one of those things where something goes wrong and then your brain decides it needs to send pain signals and shit. In which case it can become a chronic thing. If this doesn't work, it'll be a referral to the urologist but we'll see.
  20. Probably the wrong thread for it, maybe.
  21. This is worth a watch btw.
  22. This is Renton's fault for feeding the algorithm.
  23. If they showed interest, I dare say he'd be interested himself, but it'll be a cash deal and a fucking lot of it. We're not taking their shitty cast-offs.
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