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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. He just kept shouting "ICH LIEBE HASSELHOFF!" every time they went to him, so I could actually believe it was you.
  2. Is that the Gran Bahia Palace or something like that? Looks a lot like the place I stayed when I went there.
  3. Just trying to plug into the Great Reset conspiracy theory, the fucking grifter.
  4. CT, this might be of interest.
  5. The way her hands are positioned, maybe she's just tossed it up in the air and is in the process of catching it on her bonce. That's about the best explanation I can come up with for that level of hard hat insanity.
  6. Just Stop Oil knackers spraypainting Stonehenge orange ffs. This lot are trying to turn people against climate change action.
  7. David Moyes is on today's Rest In Football - it's a really good listen, he's got some good stories. Anyway, he's talking through his managerial career, Everton, Man United, then off to Spain. Shearer interrupts him with "Anyway. All good things must come to an end. When did you decide to go to the unwashed?" There'll be hell on on RTG, I'm sure.
  8. This is one prediction that will eventually come good though. Prediction + time = success. It's my theory of relativity.
  9. It was Frankie Boyle's fault. He posted a rest in peace tweet.
  10. What the fuck. Has he been stung by a giant wasp or something.
  11. Farage comes out today and says Reform engaged a professional vetting service to check all of their candidates backgrounds. He's said this firm hasn't flagged any issues and he may consider suing them. Turns out this firm is very clear on its website that they don't carry out vetting on your behalf, they give you access to their system and you have to do the work yourself. And these cunts expect us to believe they can run a country.
  12. Britain is not America yet.
  13. Their internal polling must be as cataclysmic as the publicly available ones if the PM is visiting seats like this.
  14. I bet he thought putting it in quotation marks was him taking a stand.
  15. Bitch, it was reposted by a political account that I follow, HACTUALLY.
  16. England hooligans causing bother again.
  17. They'll be fucking livid tbf. A trip to East Anglia for a 12:30 kick off on opening day. The PL full on trolling them at this stage, letting the Dutch slaphead know that the 12:30 starts are here to stay.
  18. I absolutely love seeing this prick subject to some scrutiny. Especially from a woman, he fucking hates it.
  19. "You sir! Wait! I'm in the middle of a teams tete a tete!"
  20. I'll be Staveley's guest of honour for this one. Allowed to join the end of season lap of honour when we relegate them, but carried around on a sedan chair by Howe and Tindall.
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