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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. No I used my memory and my knowledge that I think he's decent.
  2. Also, she never ruled out raising CGT.
  3. I think he's decent. But I also don't think we should sign anyone just because I think they're decent.
  5. BTW you've conveniently zeroed in on the "rumoured" Madueke, but this was your initial post which stated that "Chelsea have a huge surplus of good players which they need to shift in the next ~10 days". Which is where I came up with the suggestion that our transfer window has come down to finding our least worst pick of Chelsea's rejects. I don't think I was twisting words at all.
  6. I don't think Mark Douglas is getting anything from the club either.
  7. well I wish I hadn't come off twitter now, given that its rumours are to be given such weight. Rumours don't come from the club these days. In other words, I don't think there's anything coming out of the club linking us with Madueke.
  8. I mean Twitter has said we might be in for Madueke, if that's what you mean?
  9. So our transfer window becomes "which of the players that Chelsea deem not good enough for them would be our least worst option"? That sounds like a recipe for success.
  10. I mean curd has literally been used 5 posts before you, but why not eh. WHY NOT. It's the lack of effort as much as anything.
  11. Hall will have been identified as someone we liked before we just took him on loan with an obligation to pay £35m for him the following season. You're basically saying "it worked with Hall, so there must be SOMEONE ELSE at Chelsea that we'd be happy to risk a third of next summer's transfer window budget on to keep fans happy in this transfer window?!" A bit mental that, isn't it? We'll just have to agree to disagree on Guehi. Howe and Mitchell are clearly VERY keen on bringing him in. The first young CB Howe signed was canny good, so maybe he knows a thing or two more about this than us. If we end up getting someone else for half the price, it will be someone that Howe would have happily foregone in favour of paying double for Guehi. I know that'll make you happy but it probably shouldn't.
  12. They do this at the baseball too. Fuck sake.
  13. There's probably 2 or 3 RW players that we've identified as the targets we want. That we think can play Howe's style, be at the club for an extended period of time, and not be a PR mistake. If none of them are available this window, we're not gonna just sign anyone. The days where you could just sign a this-might-not-work warm body player that was a bit better than you've got, and not worry too much if it doesn't work out are over. PSR has fucked that. We tried to do that a little bit with Elanga when we tried to get him on the cheap as part of the Anderson PSR fiddle, but Forest weren't having it. They'll know they need a RW to upgrade what we've got, but they'll have a very specific shortlist, same with CBs. They obviously value Guehi WAY ahead of the half price alternatives you're talking about and that's why they've been trying to get him specifically and not somebody else, just because that somebody else is cheaper - I think we should take that as a positive rather than a negative. Just saying "get a top RW for £50m" - like who? There isn't 5 to just go and pick that are available and that we want, and that can play Howe's system, etc etc. I trust them to be working to a plan. I absolutely do not want to watch Miggy and Murphy battle it out for the first choice RW spot for another season either, but I don't want us to buy someone that the recruitment team don't think is the real deal either. It'll be a shame if we don't sign a RW cos we'll be watching Miggy and Murphy for another season, but to write the window off as a disappointment is too simplistic imo, for the reasons I've given above. I seem to remember certain people being desperate that we sign Diaby and furious he went to Villa. And he was fucking kaka. That was a fuck up from Villa, but at the time they thought they'd won the transfer window.
  14. They were chanting "yes she can!" cos the other Obama fed them the line too. You've got to be really careful at American political conventions about the three syllables that you finish your sentences with. "We must condemn Putin's actions in Ukraine. Every city they enter, they leave dead women and dead children."
  15. It's the first emoji transfer window. Sign a RW for the first team: 😄🎈🎉🙌🕺 All other transfer window outcomes: 🫤
  16. Party conventions are terrible. American party conventions are the fucking WORST.
  17. The worst thing about Rory Stewart, even worse than him being a tory cunt, is the way he tries to talk like an American. I know he's married to one - "Shosanna" - but the way he says "lemme just challenge that", and he softens his t's. "I godda just say, Chicago's a great ciddy." Fuck off, you daft posh twat.
  18. If you gave me the choice between these pathetic pun runs and TWO Leazes Mags, I'm going for the double islamophobia every time.
  19. Who did you get it done through? I've thought about doing that. PS 4% sheepshagger looks too low.
  20. Nobody believes your Scottish cosplay act.
  21. The neck on that wife to be offended at the reaction she got btw. First and possibly only time breakdancing will be in the Olympics and she turns up with that fucking parcel. If anyone suggests bringing it back in future, the first response will be errr have you forgotten fucking daft lass with the t rex?
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