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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Nice little 26 day stint in jail coming up for TommyTwoNames. And hopefully he's gonna get charged for his incitement of the current situation too.
  2. Speaking of the above, and letting this shit get to you, I think I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep. When I wake up in the morning my jaw is fucking KILLING me. Have never had this before, but it's the only thing it can be, I think. Either that or my lass is making me suck lads off in my sleep. Last night was the first night with a mouth guard in and I *think* it was slightly better this morning. Will see how it goes over the coming days. I'll look like David Coulthard if I can't get a grip on the situation. I assume it's all the mental shit going on in the world that's caused it.
  3. @Renton @Christmas Tree This all seems massive at the minute, but this is a TINY minority of people. They've got their own news channel now and social media doesn't help, but if you took yourself off social media it would all seem a lot less significant than it is. Obviously it's horrendous for the people that are being targeted, but you've just got to let the authorities deal with that. Over 400 arrests as it stands, more to come, and they're all gonna do a chunk of time. This has always been there, it just bubbles to the surface every now and again. It's horrible at the minute, but if you're struggling with it, self-exclude from social media, don't watch the news, and do things you enjoy instead. Which for both of you is wanking over pictures of goats.
  4. He's got a dog and a cat. Do we know anyone else with a dog and a cat? Yes bitches. It's me. This bloke is gonna be DYNAMITE.
  5. This vs National Abortion Ban boy. It's a tough decision.
  6. Preferable to the couchfucker.
  7. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is Harris's VP pick. Former High school teacher and seems like a good bloke.
  8. They're meant to be meeting tomorrow night outside some immigration centre on Westgate Road.
  9. Well I hope they make the most of the weather, cos "weather" isn't a concept they'll need to concern themselves with for the next few years.
  10. 11 year old lass competing for China in the skateboarding. Why is an 11 year old kid leading that much of a better life than me? It's completely unacceptable.
  11. The most striking thing about Musk is how fucking boring he is when you hear him speak. He's fully bought in to his own genius, so he talks like every pronouncement is coming from a higher being, and when you actually listen to him he's just a really tedious bloke. I suspect it's part of what's behind all of his "outrageous" social commentary. Because every time anyone actually meets him they come away struck by just how unimpressive he is, so his more off the wall behaviour is his "I'll show you" bit.
  12. Musk's daughter has got his number.
  13. Man City have always got money burning a hole in their pocket. I think if they wanted Bruno, they'd have come and taken him off our hands in time for pre-season, not with a week and a half to go before the season starts. Particularly for such an integral position.
  14. They were still calling them protestors when they were setting fire to buildings and looting.
  15. The BBC asking questions of the Labour MP this morning about "two tier policing". The day after a Sky News reporter asked the Met chief "are you going to end two-tier policing", which not only parrots it but includes the implication that it's happening. The news media in this country has got so hooked on clicks and being part of the story that they can't do their jobs properly anymore.
  16. My wife was saying she's had to "snooze" my sister's content on Facebook. I've said "fine, but please don't tell me what she's posting as I really don't want to have to hate my sister". She hasn't mentioned my mam. Yet.
  17. It's where she keeps her power.
  18. Get in Hodgkinson! The caboose is LOOSE!
  19. Seems to be the only place reporting it so we'll see.
  20. Aye I've seen that ad. His face is fucked. I didn't watch top gear but on the odd occasion I saw the latest iteration, I did used to wonder how the fuck they were just letting these lads drive these incredibly powerful cars like maniacs. It's amazing it's taken this long for someone to get properly fucked up by it. I know Hammond had a bad crash but he's such a penis that I don't count it.
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