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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. Police found his hat at the scene apparently.
  2. Cant believe Paul Young's got himself caught up in this.
  3. He's addicted to puns, and that was the punning addict's equivalent of injecting heroin between your toes.
  4. What a tosser, but also what a bunch of fucking planks that they're drawn to arsekissers like this. "Guys, I'm not saying this just to break my 'likes' PB but I tell you what, I ruddy well hate Newcastle United. I'm shaking my fist as I type this, I'm so annoyed by them. What do you lads think? Am I right to feel this way?" Eeee marra yer one of us. In some that would come across neeydy as fuck, desperate, and frankly pathetic but with you, it comes across as genuine.
  5. There isn't a person on this forum wouldn't rather attend that, than go and see The Muffled Jackhammers or whoever you've got on your rotation this week.
  6. I haven't read up on the new format, but aye, what the fuck is that. That's not a competition, it's the back of a band's tour t-shirt.
  7. I saw the Cure there. It was dropping to bits by the end but aye, shame it went. CT would argue that Wonder Bar is an upgrade though.
  8. Won't return to training until the next international break. He's finished, this lad. We missed our window to move him on.
  9. He used to go there for the weekly bop.
  10. I'm too young to have even known about Tiffany's, never mind to have gone to watch The Waterboys there.
  11. Aye I've stalled a bit on the last one, but not cos it's no good, I just haven't had a chance to read. Very good though.
  12. They retired my bow tie when I left. It's in a glass case above Bar 3.
  13. It evens more familiar does it? Fuuuuuucking hell.
  14. The renamed it Bliss on my appointment, at the request of the female clientele.
  15. Bitch I worked in Bliss. And I was significantly less cheerful than the lad in the second gif.
  16. My advice: stop following it. These fucking nutcases have been doing this shit for our entire lives. It's absolutely miserable and incredibly sad that a lot of normal civilians are bearing the brunt of it. These little men and their stupid religions and power plays can all get absolutely fucked. But for your own mental health, you're better off just switching off from it.
  17. Don't read all of this article cos there's stuff in there that you should find out just by watching. I posted it cos I knew it had had a good rating.
  18. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2024/sep/11/into-the-fire-the-lost-daughter-review-a-womans-search-for-her-adopted-child-netflix-true-crime
  19. Watch Into The Fire. It's really good. Two part doc.
  20. My lass had it on so I was sort of background watching it and it was a significant upgrade on her usual kaka.
  21. Possibly, I personally found it not to be suitable for anyone not wanting the absolute tits bored off them.
  22. The Bear S3 is great. Probably not as good as the first two, but still quality TV.
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