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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. What's the P in price? I've so far managed only RIE.
  2. Keith Floyd would have been fluent too, by the time he got halfway through his first recipe.
  3. I've been to Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Most of the people were lovely, but we did have some odd experiences. Plantation houses with whitewashed histories are fairly standard too. We stayed at the old Governor's house in Jackson, Mississippi, and the entire staff was black and dressed in like proper maid / butler gear. That felt weird. Mad situation at a blues club which I'm sure I've mentioned on here before where my lass came back from the toilet having been befriended by some women (she was Irish, they spotted the accent, and couldn't believe ANYONE from outside would visit this dive of a place). They took us over to their table of about 10 to 12, and NO FUCKER wanted us at that table. Culminated in some prick with a mullet going "We know why y'all are here..... It's to see if white folks and black folks really CAYYYYN get along." Like we were students during the civil rights movement or something. That was the end of us sitting at their table. Fucking weirdos.
  4. Sat at the dinner table in a ghillie suit. "Do you HAVE to?!" "War doesn't work to your timetable, love."
  5. It can't be broken cos it's basically not that sore at all. And I finished a run on it after I'd done it with limited discomfort. The start of the ballooning swelling was when the fucking in laws came around yesterday and we went out for Sunday lunch, so I had to stuff my baby elephant foot into a shoe. By the time I came home, I'd grown a full elephant foot.
  6. The latest on my sprained ankle is that the bottom 1/4 of my leg and my foot look like something you'd see on My 600lb Life. My foot in particular looks like if someone filled a rubber glover with about 10 litres of water. So that's nice.
  7. tbd is blatantly a prepper. Just moved out to a cottage in the sticks and now he's building an arsenal.
  8. Awful. Nice article here from Atherton: https://www.thetimes.com/article/29b580ae-d265-4214-aaa4-d8d39f661f9f?shareToken=0d852e88e6c2f7029bdb5eb8825667b9
  9. We got one of those heated clothes horse things where you put a cover over it. Otherwise the dryer would be on permanently and all of my clothes would come out of it in mothercare sizes.
  10. Flag Football at the next Olympics in LA ffs. This is a game people play in the park
  11. 😭😭😭 BBC still the undisputed kings of the montage.
  12. For the record, more than half of what I'm talking about with Swift is that she just seems like a sound kid. Standing up to dickheads, big donations to foodbanks in every city she breezes through in this country, seems like a genuinely decent person. There's nothing not to like about her. And yet I KNOW that every time I say it, I'll get the Jack Black High Fidelity treatment from a couple of you ABSOLUTE BLENDS. Ram it. Up. Your shitpipes.
  14. Despite their best efforts, the MUSIC POLICE cannot take me down with their razor-sharp, up-to-date references to Madonna, Janet Jackson, and the Pet Shop Boys.
  15. Yeah I remember you trying to tell me Ray of Light was a good song.
  16. Don't fuck with the Swifties. I've got an entire army behind me.
  17. As I've explained on here in the past. There's nothing not to like about Taylor Swift. She's tremendous.
  18. Signing off the athletics with an absolute fannyfest in the 4x400.
  19. Mad couple of weeks for the lad, suddenly turning out at SJP.
  20. New lad looks lively. Getting in amongst it early on.
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