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Everything posted by Gemmill

  1. I'm going to get migration down to the tens of thousands, and on an unrelated note I'm not going to make any promises that I can't keep.
  2. Badenoch saying she would offer JK Rowling a peerage. They can't fucking help themselves, can they? Just try 24 hours without pulling a culture war lever.
  3. The Guardian btw. A paper so desperate for clicks and ad revenue that it had a live reaction blog for the death of Liam Payne. "Oh McFly have put a tribute tweet out now. Better get it posted. We're still waiting for word from Busted, I suspect they're just processing at the minute." Fuck off.
  4. The Guardian can get entirely fucked. And Labour should just be telling people to fuck off. Aye I'm gonna get the odd free ticket for a concert, but you know what, Taylor Swift wasn't trying to lobby me for anything so just shut your face. I'm going. Do some proper reporting please.
  5. I can't even see Shih Tzu. What a combo though.
  6. I'm not on Facebook dickheads, so you can fucking lump what I'm serving up on here.
  7. He looks like either a cavapoo or a cockapoo. What did the DNA thing say?
  8. He's a cavapoo. 1st generation cavapoo mam and poodle dad. I think they call it F1B. You know the drill ewerk. Get a photo posted. Join the hashtag.
  9. Is there anything better than a dog, man? What a fucking legend.
  10. FYI. Your daughter sending me endless PMs was not an "online situation" and I reject that characterisation.
  11. We're gonna have to start having Toontastic Slimmer of the Month.
  12. Not wanting to add to things but did you see the headlines about Roblox yesterday? There was an article on the guardian.
  13. Thanks for that. A disappointing lack of culture war issues raised. Where is Labour's Minister for Common Sense?!
  14. Musk making it impossible to read anything beyond one post if you don't have an account on his stupid site is just the icing on the cake for what an arsehole he is.
  15. "Hellowuh Robertowuh" These mongs take basic politeness as a long held love of their club.
  16. I can feel a diss track coming on.
  17. Regarding "Swiftgate". I'm fucking sick of "The News Agents" as well btw. Formerly quality journalists who are now just as obsessed with the drama as Laura K is. Last night's episode was about whether they've broken a manifesto promise by raising Employer's NIC. No lads. They haven't. But well done on breathing further life into Tory talking points.
  18. You and ewerk are the grime artists. If you want to do a track with MC Bus Pass, that's up to you.
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