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Gemmill last won the day on December 15

Gemmill had the most liked content!

About Gemmill

  • Birthday 12/14/1975

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Forgot about this. "United forever Whatever the weather Less than a hundred percent? Never."
  2. Pep taps Bruno up every time we play you lot. He's always going up to him at the end of the game and trying to kiss him.
  3. Looks like a canny day out. Very smart suited and booted as well.
  4. If Bruno wants to go, and I can't imagine why he wouldn't, he'll go. Whether we let it happen in January is another matter, but once someone big comes in and the player's head is turned it's usually the beginning of the end.
  5. Severance and Silo are your standout Apple+ watches if you haven't gobbled them up already.
  6. I got this last year, early on in the year. Not an infection but a blocked feeling ear and muffled hearing. It took about 3 month to stop feeling blocked but I was rewarded with some permanent hearing loss and round the clock tinnitus. Hopefully you fare better.
  7. You can get COMPLETELY fucked. That was a great joke whereas the joke thread is WALL TO WALL abominations.
  8. Ah that's mint, really pleased for you. The fucking relief is unreal when they come back, man. The first one of mine that did this, I slept downstairs with the living room windows wide open and a bowl of food on the floor. Got woken up by a cat scranning the food at 2am, and it took me a while to pull myself around enough to be sure it was him. Food the priority with that little fucker though. But the relief is crazy.
  9. Keep him as a player for now, he's completely untested as a hat maker.
  10. Change Renton's name to Namaste. Or Ringo. Rington.
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