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Gemmill last won the day on February 15

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  1. Ah man, I'm really sorry to hear this. Look after yourself MF.
  2. Here fuck off, Sandro.
  3. His spirit jumped into Toonpack when he crossed over.
  4. Pointless reading it now if everything's already happened.
  5. Aye but lads, Harris has got a weird laugh. What choice did they really have?
  6. We'll never know, BATFUCKER.
  7. So this shows that the APT rules forced us to lower the amount of our planned sponsorship deal from SELA. Borson estimates £5m a year, but the amount is redacted so who knows. FAO everyone that insists the club isnt doing enough to maximise it's commercial income. Remember a few weeks back when you thought you were all doing Peter Silverstone's job off the side of your desks, and doing it better than him?
  8. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-14408873/Newcastle-sales-Champions-League-Magpies.html Aka HOT MITCH SUMMER! Get your fucking factor 50 on.
  9. Back in your technical area, Mikel.
  10. Did you predict us to beat every cunt we've been beaten by this season? Including the latest drubbing at the weekend. Pipe down!
  11. Must be the hair horseshoe.
  12. If you like their new ground so much, WHY DON'T YOU MARRY IT?!
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