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Everything posted by acrossthepond

  1. Martins must have had that. Should've been 2-0. Excellent cross by Solano.
  2. Disgraceful. Honourable bow-out for Celtic, nasty cheating win for Milan. The usual fare, in other words. The ref will watch whatever passes for MOTD in his country tonight and see the penalty that he failed to give, and he'll know his own failure cost the deserving team the match.
  3. Come on the Bhoys! Knock these cheaters out of Europe! Show the world that Scottish football can't be ignored forever.
  4. Gotta say I'm with the scousers tonight. Barcelona aren't the juggernaut they're made out to be. Everyone likes to see a big club go down hard, and I wouldn't be surprised if this loss splintered their club and began a decline for them.
  5. He's not the man for the job. There's only so long you can placate the fans with "steadying the ship." As to who to replace him with, hypothetically, I think the two best managers in the Premiership right now are Wenger and Steve Coppell. Wenger because although the Arse won't win anything this year, he is clearly planning for the future, something that doesn't often happen on Tyneside. Coppell is my top pick for Newcastle manager. His skills are obvious to the point of being glaring. He knows how to finish top six without an all-star squad, which (since we don't look like buying an all-star squad) we need to learn how to do. I don't want to jump on the Reading bandwagon, but Coppell is quality.
  6. Nice to see West Ham lose and stare their upcoming relegation in the face, but I was definitely cheering them on at half-time. As has been said, nothing to celebrate in a Spurs win. Tevez, Upson, Neill, Ferdinand, and their keeper, forget his name (he's pretty good tbf, can't blame him for giving up goals behind a back four that might as well not even be on the pitch sometimes) will jump ship. Upson might find a place here, but I have my doubts. He's injury-prone, expensive, and already turned traitor on Birmingham in the middle of their promotion fight, and if he swaps London for Newcastle, I don't think he'll have any qualms about swapping Newcastle for somewhere else if things get rough. What's the hate for Warnock about? Scrappy manager, a bit loudmouthed but gets things done. Few people predicted Sheffield would stay up, but they've managed it in large part thanks to him. PS: Berbatov is shit, seeing him play in our games vs. Spurs was like watching a blooper reel.
  7. I'm still not sure why they would sing it at a Reading game though. We don't sing Mackem songs at Blackburn games (well, I guess sometimes we do. But they're our rivals. We aren't Man U's rivals.) Sounds like terminal obsession with a player they only wish they'd had.
  8. We look like crap - form-wise and looks-wise. Do our strips look somehow different today, or am I losing it?
  9. After that "article" on villatalk.com I'll throw my lot in with Stevie. No kind of respectable site could have tripe like that posted as a match preview. That must've been some mighty good humble pie the author enjoyed after we sank two in the opening 6-7 minutes. However, Stevie is going a bit overboard in this thread. There was no reason for that attack on Sima. Try to keep calm and remember we're all on the same side, aye?
  10. Had to be a penalty. Nevertheless Taylor definitely laid on the theatrics, which is not something we want from NUFC players. Onyewu looked like a professional today, I will say.
  11. SOLANO GET IN! Toon 2-1 Liverpool on an obvious foul on Parker in the box, Solano converts. Howay the Toon!
  12. Baba looks truly horrid. I've seen nothing from him but backpasses and godawful tackles that would've meant penalties had they connected. EDIT: And now a horrendous header that nearly meant a goal. Please, Glenn, stop playing our horrible players and just play the bad ones ok?
  13. MARTINS GET IN! Horrible defensive play by Liverpool but we don't mind.
  14. It was. I can't remember why I ever called Peter Ramage shit after seeing these two morons return from injury.
  15. Bad backpass by Baba, Harper screws up the clear, shot goes through Bramble's legs. Welcome to NUFC.
  16. Selling the ground as well are we ? Roeder's number is up. I defended him against all comers, but the match v. Fulham was the last straw. It's all right to complain about an injury-wrecked squad, but selecting Bramble/Carr over Solano/Edgar/Hunts is more than shocking tbh. Roeder falls back on terrible players when he has real talent on the books, just like with Ameobi. Nae doubt as soon as Baba recovers he'll be hobbling onto the pitch while Taylor has a seat or some such shite. Players won't change the Toon's fate now. We need a regime change. Sack Roeder and ship him back to West Ham (because Lord knows Curbs is going to need the help) and bring in someone of real quality who has a vision for this club, and not just another stop-gap. Leazes is right.
  17. Last season was just a flash in the pan for Spurs. They're tripe and have always been. Man U look more and more like champions every game. Be nice to see Mourinho get the door as he richly deserves at the end of the season.
  18. This clown can't think of anything more substantial to say than to question the color of our strip, but he still has it in him to mock "middle-of-the-standings" Newcastle. What a clown. The whole site is decorated with Fulham gear and info - perhaps remind this bloke when the last time Fulham FC won shit all was?
  19. We're getting murdered. This is pathetic. Titus Bramble is the worst footballer in black and white that I've ever seen. Lucky to escape red and send us to a certain loss. The way things are going they might get 3. Come on lads. Settle, sub off goddamn Shambles, and take a point. EDIT: 2-0 to them. Dominated start to finish.
  20. Why is Bramble playing? He looks like such shit it's unbelievable. Dropped headers. Pathetic long passes that go for goal kicks. Awful clearances. About the disallowed goal for Villa - in all fairness, it appeared to be a goal, but it's important to note that it came off a corner which should not have been given, as the ball came off the crossbar and not Steve Taylor's head on the previous play. What goes around comes around. EDIT: Bramble, get off. We know Young is good, but he doesn't have to be if you just let him pass.
  21. I take it you don't rate the lad then ? There was a lot, and I mean a lot, of hype over him over here in the Yoo Ess Eh before the World Cup. To say he fell short of expectations would be a bit of an understatement. p.s. that doesn't mean it's not a move in the right direction glenn. onyewu is shit, but at least you're getting defenders in on loan. so keep right on with that
  22. He's shite. Goddamn it! It's Monday morning, the transfer window expires in two days, and this clown is the best Roeder could come up with? And he's still talking about strikers? FFS man, get some proper defenders and ship Carr, Baba and Bramble off to the Conference where they belong!
  23. Ramage is utter, no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoners shit. He needs to go. But it's not like the Toon is going to invest in any defenders, so we may as well accept that we're stuck with Solano's Barmy Army until Bramble and Baba are fit (at which point our defence becomes worse, if possible.)
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