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acrossthepond last won the day on September 4 2019

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  1. Laughed at "Let Me Out" and "Sock Robbers Corner." I don't get all the Wales references though, maybe someone can clue me in?
  2. This game has probably killed off our season.
  3. Certain yellow for the plank who dove in on Tonali an inch from the ref's face as well, not given. It's been up down and all over the gaffe today, a fucking diabolical game from every perspective. 30 more minutes of this too, let's see how many players are left on either side. Fuck's sake.
  4. It was like, there's nothing to defend. A moment of utter brainlessness probably prompted by the egregious non-call on the arm-pulling minutes prior. Now 30 more minutes of this dirge before we lose and probably have a few more players crocked in the process.
  5. Utterly idiotic. Self-destruct button has just been hammered. What a fucking dickhead.
  6. If he wasn't on a yellow then that was a certain card, why should it be any different because he's already been booked? Useless.
  7. Nailed on, that. I still think we have enough about ourselves to see them off in the second half.
  8. Minteh contributing more than he ever got a chance to do at SJP....
  9. If she is, she's right. Pope looked like shit and Dubravka, who I still have not fully warmed back up to after his sojourn at Man U, has done nothing to deserve being dropped. You could feel the crowd's nervousness every time Pope took a touch, it's not like other teams will have failed to notice that.
  10. Wilson was absolutely wretched, couldn't hold the ball up, looked softer than a muffin. Of course he hardly distinguished himself in awfulness, that entire half was truly diabolical. We've well and truly escaped.
  11. As if Kane would swap Bayern for Arsenal, not to mention that he's finished and would quickly get found out again in a team like Arsenal where his side wouldn't enjoy total domination of 90% of matches. I'm sure he'd be good for scoring penalties against Southampton though. They'll end up with Kluivert or someone of that quality.
  12. Not a side we should fear in that draw.
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