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Everything posted by Dazzler

  1. Then I predict the following interaction in your near future... "Do you do lager tops, mate?" "Does it look like a cocktail bar? Fuck off."
  2. Freezing? Shorts and T-shirt weather this man you soft bastard. I'm watching the match in my garden having an ice bath, starkers - whilst proclaiming that I like it hot me like, but not this hot.
  3. Bruce Jenner was a monster athlete back then, so that doesn't really tread water tbh
  4. The pictures remind of that Darren Farley's impressions of Lampard.
  5. "Oh nein, wir sind offenbar in die falsche Richtung gereist und in einem dystopischen Ödland gelandet, das die örtlichen Mutanten als Percy Main bezeichnen. Jemand hat meine Schuhe gestohlen und mein kleines Kind ins Gesicht geschlagen."
  6. Not necessarily. A grass just cries to the coppers (traditionally), there doesn't need to be an ulterior motive for doing so, nor does it necessarily have to be against their friend(s). It's literally the definition of "snake in the grass", not just being a grass.
  7. Waiting for it to drop on game pass, I get it as part of my sub on 6th November.
  8. Lost star striker, but spent a fucking fortune on Brennan Johnson, James Maddison and Van Der Ven plus making a couple of loan deals permanent. Luke Edwards is a proper wind up of the highest order, the baldy cunt. Spurs net spend: £100m with a much better starting position than Howe's Howe's Jan net spend: circa £120m with a largely championship quality squad. Utter drivel from LE as per.
  9. Hattrick will do for me. Hopefully the 40 year old wonderkid Moukoko has a stinker (assuming he plays)
  10. What's the craic wth Zaniolo then, has he been found to have not been involved at all? Also Tonali being banned is going to make my first season as toon manager shite on football manager 24 when it comes out.
  11. Couple of mackems I work with reckon Clarke wouldn't cut the PL. Said he's no where near quick enough or prolific enough to make it at the top. Can't say I have seen him play to comment but they are fairly level headed for mackems (probably as they're both from Durham )
  12. He's not taking over. He'll go to West Ham or Man Red if he's successful. He's a turncoat Geordie bastard. Still doing well though.
  13. I think this needs more depth...You can't just throw something like that out there without going into detail; it's just pure click bait otherwise.
  14. Also, whilst I hate to admit anything positive about boro (and this isn't the place for it), but Carrick looks like a cracking young manager. Had them flying last year, and overcame a proper shite start to get them flying again. Pretty impressive tbf.
  15. Saw one post say Bellingham has gone from prime Zidane to Tommy Miller in a few games
  16. I'd really appreciate it if people would stop interrupting our tales of faecal abnormalities with German music. It's hard to keep up with the important conversations about shite.
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