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Dazzler last won the day on March 11

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About Dazzler

  • Birthday 02/20/1987

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    Some Shithole to the West of the City

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  1. Seen people are referring to this cunt as whiskiLeaks online?
  2. Beat him at pens, so I heard.
  3. 1,000,000,001 for a 90,001 seater stadium? I like it.
  4. Wa massive, marras Turns out Glasgow doesn’t hate mags, anaarl.
  5. I’ve seen that video and he (along with the lass next to him) is quite clearly in a k-hole tbf. The man is addicted to ketamin and he’s off his tits in the clip.
  6. Guarantee everyone who registered an interest gets tickets so now I have 4 more tickets (registered as a member and general sale) than I need for a thing I didn’t want to attend only for them to do the fucking open top bus parade anyway.
  7. The chronicle have us in for Grealish because we obviously don’t have enough players for the left.
  8. No, we both already have common ground in denying they are a real rivalry so they don’t get represented anywhere, in a show of real and meaningful shipyard unity
  9. It could serve as a hands across the world situation tbh
  10. If the alternative is Ed Davey being a (seemingly) sound bloke and having a good laugh on paddleboards and waterslides or Farage and they pick Farage then they deserve the death that will 100% follow soon after IMO. Almost all of the people that would vote for Reform will be the ones that will be condemned by it.
  11. That’s not even a centre left position. It’s just outright tory. Fucking bat shit insane and all because they are too terrified to tax the ultra wealthy at a reasonable level for fear it’ll cost them the next election in 4.5 years. It’s going to cost them it anyway. Hopefully, it’ll cost them votes to a somewhat respectable party like the Lib Dem’s or Green and not lead us into a reform government, who will just continue the fine work of their colleagues in labour. It’s going to be reform though because the British public are fucking beyond stupid At least there will be loads of empty council houses to sell off though since most of the people in them won’t get health insurance and will die off within 6 months. So there’s that….
  12. The way he’s behaving this term that something will be a high calibre round and the head will be Trump’s. His martyrdom will be stuff of legend
  13. Submitting a 10,000 dissertation on Middle Eastern human rights practices has betrayed him tbh.
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