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Dazzler last won the day on January 13

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About Dazzler

  • Birthday 02/20/1987

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    Some Shithole to the West of the City

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  1. Who are you planning on selling jellied eels to?
  2. Future England no 1 having a second bad game in as many games.
  3. Spoken like someone who has never set foot in a council estate .. we were raised to think that there was only one thing worse than a copper, a grass. I reckon our parents thought more highly of nonces tbh My mate got pissed one night and fell asleep on a bench. A copper very kindly offered to give him a lift back to our other mate’s flat in Elswick and said mate was beyond raging that he got out of a bizzie van and walked into his like he’d just been collecting his blue giro. The copper was only doing a good deed, and my mate was worried his flat would get bricked because of it. The other lad was obviously not from a council estate and didn’t see the issue
  4. I wonder when trump will grow in his "Charlie Chaplin" tash.
  5. "Lads, the key to the van has been a bit sticky since TP took it to the bogs fifteen times over the match. Any ideas?" TP:
  6. *high-frequency echolocation
  7. "At least the one I fucked did" Take it to the shit joke section - In fact, I am certain this one is in there from recently only with a dead pigeon.
  8. That seems to be people close to Trump rather than Trump himself. That said, it's undeniable fact that Trump gravitates towards human traffickers - given his closeness to Epstein and Diddy - so it's fair to assume he'd have a lot of time for the Tate cunts too. The thing about covid "conspiracy" is that the truth is being suppressed. It's been made into something bigger than it was because people who support these alt/far right fucktards are sharing a single braincell. Everyone I know largely agrees it probably leaked from a lab, but don't jump to conclusions. The idea that the truth is being suppressed is fucking stupid too considering I have seen and heard it discussed loads of times on the TV, radio and internet pretty much since the outbreak happened. I don't think we need a full enquiry because China will just fiddle the results anyway. If they haven't come out and told the truth now, over five years later we aren't getting anything out of them during an investigation. I prefer the Death to 2020 theory that the first case happened because a scientist in Wuhan had sex with a bat. Which is difficult, because bats tend to fly around a lot.
  9. Is she trying to cosy up to them for the next coalition government? I feel like Ed Davey would rather go sledging and wakeboarding with Starmer tbh.
  10. It’s ironic that the whole push towards trump was based on being terrified of globalisation and a one world government yet these lunatics are trying to push out leaders in favour of their mates so that they can all rule the world as a collective.
  11. Let us all spare a moment for the poor pervert who sniffs this seat.
  12. Okay, well then it was the same as the gif only without the boxers on and the leather sofa was ripped and had a tramp sleeping on it.
  13. It’s very story/narrative heavy. The game play opens up a little but not by a great stretch. The story is incredible though and once you’re invested it proper sucks you in. The ending broke me completely tbh. I don’t think anything else has gotten me like that since the dog goes to sleep outside the pizza shop in that one episode of futurama
  14. I got the PS5 and it’s fucking sensational compared to my Xbox one. But then so it should be tbf.. Gamepass is a far superior subscription though (I have PS plus and gamepass). That said all Assassins Creed games are on PS plus and I love them.
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