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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. He's been fuck all use to us all season.
  2. I think we need Hull to avoid victory to stay up. Because we're a bunch of gutless wankers managed by the janitor.
  3. We aren't going to beat WHU thats for sure. Our fate depends on Man Utd giving a toss. What a disgrace.
  4. Presumably Tayls is the only one who shouts "Fucking come on!" when Carver yells "OK lads let's fucking get stuck into em!" in a voice like Dennis from Auf Wiedersehn Pet.
  5. I'm not sure he knows how to do an X
  6. Taylor is rubbish. Just like Carver. No doubt he gets picked because he's British.
  7. There wouldn't be an issue if the players were on an appropriate form of performance related pay ie modest basic and extra for appearances with large bonuses for achievements. That said our cunt of an owner would just pocket the savings so fuck it.
  8. Oh well another game in the meh category for me I'm afraid. Good luck lads anyway. Hopefully the coke snorting devils from Humberside will get fuck all.
  9. Carver has been such a fuck up theres no reason to suppose that he'll be offered the job permanently. I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to offer him the gig. At the same time there's nothing to suggest the numpties will appoint a well qualified foreign coach. Past history suggests we'll get a washed up British coach who'll be grateful for a job and won't rock the boat.
  10. Even if we survive theres no fucking chance we'll pay for an English player. They don't represent "value"
  11. Lol good thanks. No need to shout!
  13. I hardly think Ed could have stayed on. Zero credibility allied to stacks of the party sticking the boot in and blaming himnfor everything
  14. We can start with the goalies but sadly we need to upgrade every part of the first team imo. We're reaping the bitter fruit of consistent underinvestment.
  16. The big debate in Labour is going to be whether to head back to the centre and leave behind the unions. The moderates and New Labourites are already blaming Ed's left wing unaspirational agenda for their disaster. Plainly they need to win back middle england to stand a chance and they wont do that with the unions visibly calling the shots. Their biggest handicap imo is the lack of a strong charismatic leader who projects well on TV. Ed was a fuck up with his nerdy diction, gimmicks and weird looking mouth.
  17. Williamsons absence has already improved our chances of a result, mind you.
  18. I'm pretty sure that'll be Carver's approach. Tactics courtesy of the King.
  19. in the good old days there'd be zero chance of the child being born. It'd be red hot poker time...
  20. Everyone considered him the coward of the county He'd never stood one single time to prove the county wrong His mama named him Timmy but SMB called him yellow something always told me he was reading Timmy wrong
  21. I think we need to win this one. Whether our useless fuckers are capable of it is a different matter. If we get relegated we'll thoroughly deserve it.
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