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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Mcclaren is the obvious choice. The club should get the fuck in with it instead of fannying around being indecisive. The new man needs to have as long as possible to settle in, theres a huge job to be done.
  2. He'd have to be delusional to think the job he's done is in any way acceptable. Still he learnt the art of excuses from The King so maybe he does believe hes good enough.
  3. I expect for the next few weeks Charnley will be busy drawing up his shortlist. This will involve him sitting at his desk, sharpening pencils, organising his pens and ruler, wringing his hands, repeatedly furrowing his brow and sticking his tongue out of his greasy lips. After several weeks of this he will have a shortlist of 3 or 4 candidates who are not available and then he can get on with not making any fucking decision at all.
  4. I've no faith in any of these muppets to pick a decent manager. Charnley will be shitting himself if he has to make a decision all by himself
  5. imo you need senior pros with the right mentality to provide continuity and a positive influence. I'd be happy if he was given an extended contract as a squad player. Of course he doesn't provide "value" according to the shitheads in charge so he'll be chucked out.
  6. I'd be worried about the "wastage". He has the look of a man who's never refused a kitkat
  7. I dont really care, I'll be fast asleep when its decided
  8. The mackems should be desperate for our survival. Without the 6 points our gutless fuckers gift them, they'll be down next season too.
  9. Kitman


    Happy birthday o great one
  10. Kitman


    Happy birthday!
  11. Carver wasnt good enough to manage Toronto FC and yet he was trusted with steering us to safety. Fucking hell. Charnley should be sacked whether we survive or not.
  12. My theory is that Ashley doesn't trust foreign managers. We haven't had one yet under his ownership
  13. Obviously we'll lose. We will only stay up if Hull cant win imo.
  14. Williamson in is like starting with a 1 or 2 goal deficit. Fucking cart horse.
  15. If Maclaren knows how to put together a sustained run of defeats he souns perfect for us.
  16. cba to read the OP, but I think of Ashley as an old school dictator.....he issues the occasional rambling edict (on the way home after a curry and 8 pints of Carling) which his scuttling minions then attempt to implement. Presumably another phone call follows several months later for "clarification" purposes. I doubt there's a business model other than Ashley wanting to put no money in. As Alex said in another thread, if there was any method to this madness we'd have top coaches and a shit hot academy pumping out talent
  17. Sounds like its time for a cheeky bid to get him back...."value"
  18. I get the impression our coaching staff are shit at every level. As Alex said you'd think it was the one area he HAD to invest in to make his model work. Talk about false economies.
  19. Im sure hes been different class on the treatment table
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