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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. From memory there was a pact between William and a norse outfit who invaded from the north at the same time william invaded from the south. Harold saw off the vikings in the north but not the normans. Not surprising given his men wouldve been exhausted. Not sure whether that supports the contention that chez put forward but ive never heard the Normans described as a viking outfit. They were however incredibly hard bastards who conquered swathes of Europe and the middle east. One of the crusaders whose I cant remember was famed for cutting a saracen on horseback in half at the waist. Which is pretty cool. Balancing that up is they bequeathed tbe christian name of Norman to the western world.
  2. That's inebriated for our American viewers...
  3. You'd have to think Tiotes for sale. He might find it difficult to get an interesting offer however
  4. The fans are probably in better shape than him
  5. I get knocked down, but I get up again!
  6. "What is wrong Hatem?" " It is a disgrace! These shirts are too small and too tight! I cannot breathe!"
  7. Im with you Gemmill. I thought the comments Stevie posted were pretty fair based on recent history.
  8. You can't escape your whakapapa bro. Sweet as...
  9. Happy muffday you old bastard!
  10. Doesnt de Jong play in that position? Seems strange to prioritise a midfielder when were desperate for an out and out striker and centre backs
  11. If only Lenin had known about about frozen grapes. He'd have genuinely revolutionised people's lives...
  12. I remember years ago watching nigella lawson.....and she said put your leftover wine in an ice tray and freeze it so you can put it in your gravy. My wife looked at me and said "leftover wine? What the fucks that?"
  13. Presumably the minutes are being sanitized....
  14. Depends if he keeps them up. How much of a bargain was Riviere?
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