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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Flogging a dead horse tbh OK I'll stop now.
  2. Whoa, loosen the reins there you cant(er).In the main the issue is you sticking in your nosebag. I'm prepared to be equine-an-imous about it if you change your tack a bit. You should harness your twitch and try to be more stable, hay. OK Im outta here
  3. I'm bridling at the way you saddle us with your pony-and-trap puns just to stirrup trouble. Its spurring me on to hoof it away from this thread....
  4. Hes sounding a little hoarse. I'll get me coat
  5. @@scoobos.....pre season is to help the players build up match fitness. You cant expect them to run around like dogs on heat in a meaningless pre season friendly. It was probably quite hot as well (don't know the conditions and cba to look it up). Pardew had the players looking fitter last pre season.....but conditioning to last the season is more important than looking fit in meaningless friendlies. We lost de Jong for most of the season with a thigh injury in.pre season too, i dont think that was a conicidence personally.
  6. On the bright side at least McLaren will now be under no illusion about how shit Iron Mike is.
  7. Next you'll be claiming Harold Godwinson wasn't German
  8. The Normans were vicious hard bastards - clever, resourceful, never gave up in a sulk or ran away from a fight. I have to admit they don't sound French.
  9. I would rather have a tour of NZ actually. One good thing you can say about this US tour is that its less pointless and debilitating than last season's tour down under.
  10. Yes this US tour sounds like a waste of time.
  11. Sounds more like visiting Bag End....
  12. Is this a scene from Lord of the Rings?
  13. Well thats how I remember it from history lessons but I really cant be arsed to look it up. As you can probably tell
  14. Noelie he looks more like the red tellytubby than a footballer in that photo. That suggests to me a man who doesn't give a fuck about training tbh.
  15. Incidentally I dont recall England being successfully invaded after 1066. Unless you include the island of Jersey, but that was because it was full of cheese eating surrender monkeys at the time. Errr probably. Edit: also not including King Bully of Orange who I think was invited by the English to be king. Or something.
  16. From memory there was a pact between William and a norse outfit who invaded from the north at the same time william invaded from the south. Harold saw off the vikings in the north but not the normans. Not surprising given his men wouldve been exhausted. Not sure whether that supports the contention that chez put forward but ive never heard the Normans described as a viking outfit. They were however incredibly hard bastards who conquered swathes of Europe and the middle east. One of the crusaders whose I cant remember was famed for cutting a saracen on horseback in half at the waist. Which is pretty cool. Balancing that up is they bequeathed tbe christian name of Norman to the western world.
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