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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. The main thing I took from that is that they're FUCKING COWARDS
  2. I'm surprised anyone gives a fuck about an ex player who did very little for us
  3. Kitman


    The Welsh won't care about the rest of the tournament now, they've got the one result they truly care about
  4. Its about as bad as it could be. The chickens have come home to roost and are shitting everywhere.
  5. I remember Tom Baker as Dr Who when I was a kid, I thought it was fantastic. Don't watch it as an adult though, its fucking shite second time around.
  6. I think you're right. De Jong and Perez to start for me. Time to drop one of Colback and Anita too imo.
  7. I dunno about this. As someone who lived thru the Thatcher and Blair years, it has less of a new dawn about it and more of a desperate last throw of the dice. Corbyn seems to be a a retro politician and with the media largely against him, might struggle a la Michael Foot whilst his party shakes itself to pieces. I don't know if he has the charisma and vision to hold it together to either lead a charge vs the tories or build a legacy for someone else. He'll certainly need people to rally round him as the press will go after him. Anyway good luck and all that.
  8. Kitman

    Drug Fiends

    I suspect state sponsored programmes get the best shit
  9. Kitman

    Drug Fiends

    seems the best way to get a level playing field
  10. Brendan McCullum bagging the Aussies as unsporting and Steve Smith as immature over the Stokes incident. Good man Brendan.
  11. Who'd have thought drinking 30 pints of lager and binging on takeaways would give you health problems?
  12. Tragic but the stuff of the Darwin Awards
  13. Item 1 discovered in area under investigation (site of former veg boxes) - Roman era coin with imperial motif and crimped flange (note to self or could this be a bottle top? ) Item 2 - Saxon era decorative funereal moulding from chieftain's tomb (or might be old lego pieces cant tell) Item 3 - mummified remains of Boudicea era tribute to the Celtic Gods (or could be the remains of that budgie, must ask the wife where she buried him)
  14. Presumably CTs in Poland looking for the Nazi treasure train at the minute with his homies. If not, why not? That would result a total loss of respect from me for the Boldon based fossicker. Oh yes.
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