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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Allardyce would be perfect for them. He can buy another cart load of shit players and get them playing shit football, just like he did for us.
  2. The Saudis actually care about innocent victims?
  3. It's Britain when it suits them I notice. They should stay true to their proud independent Scottish roots and stay in their own crappy league.
  4. Taylor, Colback, Darlow, Marveux, de Jong, Riviere, Good, Aarons
  5. I see we're top of the injury league table again by a country mile.
  6. I always think of that Fast Show sketch. Something like " Yes Ive been supporting Chelsea for 2 years now, I'm absolutely fanatical. I used to support Arsenal but they're rubbish now"
  7. Kitman


    He certainly doesn't deserve another chance. He's had several and he's 24 ffs.
  8. Kitman


    What a nobhead
  9. Kitman


    my god, the bad language on here * shakes head sadly *
  10. ....unless they've photoshopped those weird looking feet on
  11. btw did that stuff about the pyramids come from Erich von Daniken? I recall reading an article which said it wasn't true
  12. I'm inclined to agree. There's plenty of people that take the Bible literally when it suits them and a "metaphor" when it doesn't. I don't think religion will fall apart if we discover some alien microbes on Mars, it would take something a lot more sensational imo. Like an alien temple or a pyramid hundreds of thousands of years old.
  13. I wouldn't be enthused about a bunch of microbes. A big ugly 8 legged green Martian with a ray gun would however be quite impressive
  14. Decks are better than patios anyway. If a Kiwi asks you sit on his dick, don't be offended.
  15. Another charming slice of life from CT
  16. You're missing the point. All these foreigners are FUCKING COWARDS. That's the point. Blah blah mackems.
  17. It never ceases to amaze me how uninformed the press and pundits are, considering they're supposed to be experts. Pardew is utterly mediocre.
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