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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. we’re not that sophisticated here mate
  2. Well that Pentangle vid gave me a sudden urge to drink real ale, wear corduroy trousers and a turtle neck sweater, and to stop washing 😀
  3. I can’t see it myself. Surely we can garner 6 points from 5 games in our current form? And that presupposes Liverpool don’t drop any points from their remaining 4 games, which seems unlikely to me.
  4. I dunno. Similar chord progression to Hotel California maybe?
  5. He should’ve stayed on Jamie Foxx’s couch the boring bastard
  6. Apparently Ed Sheeran will stop making music if he loses the current court case over copying Marvin Gaye’s music. It’s debatable whether he ever started making music. However on behalf of music lovers everywhere, may I say please please please win for us Marvin….it’s the only thing that will save us from another 30 years of annoying but forgettable beige pop songs.
  7. It’s almost as if he believes his own bullshit. Can’t stand him.
  8. Apparently Bayern are looking to shift Sadio Mane. He’s 31 years old. Would anyone take him here?
  9. Everyone agrees except the players. Which might be an important proviso.
  10. I honestly think how VAR is being applied this season is highly suspicious. I’m reading about this sort of thing happening time and again, and it always seems to favour the so-called big 6. They either need to get VAR run by independent and competent officials with no fear or favour, or do away with it altogether. At the moment it’s looking like a lever to get undeserved results for certain clubs. I wouldn’t mind if that included us, but it plainly doesn’t- someone at NUFC must have missed the brown envelope drop at Euston station this season.
  11. That’s looks like a Saturday night in on Wearside (family bonding)
  12. Back in the day that was a distinctly German look. Usually paired with a Scorpion t-shirt and jeans
  13. I think it’s supposed to be retro cool or something. Mind you the mullet never went out of fashion in the antipodes….it’s almost like a badge of pride if you’re a bogan (rough translation = charva), drive a shitty old ute (utility vehicle) and live on a trailer park or equivalent
  14. I completely agree. Cardiff is a nice place to visit, has a castle in its centre, some of those old victorian shopping arcades, and a large modern shopping centre without dogshit or litter. The EU also sank a ton of money into Tiger Bay iirc. Its certainly not undefunded and shit imo. Newport on the other hand is one of the worst shitholes Ive been to - depressing and ugly, and the place has a bad reputation for crime and violence. Even the river is tidal, so as you pull into the train station you pass over an expanse of mud flats. All the funding in the world wouldn’t fix it (not that they get any) and they have a massive chip on their shoulder about Cardiff. Fucked if I can see the parallels with Newcastle and Sunderland though
  15. When you’re in a hole you should stop dubbing
  16. Must have been the toilets. I can’t think of any other reasons….
  17. What are the odds of that happening? Toney would know
  18. “….the less relevant we become…” And that sums it up - they’re totally fucking irrelevant yet somehow think they’re indispensable to the PL. They don’t understand they became irrelevant to the PL the moment they were relegated. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? Non-existent in Europe, they were bottom half fodder endlessly circling the drain during their time in the PL. Nobody misses them, nobody cares, they might be a cup final in L2 but in the PL they’re nobodies. What makes them so special? The bang average flatpack stadium built on landfill with a wannabe name stolen from a famous club? The bitter and ungrateful fans that hound out manager after manager? The free tickets they dole out to try to fill up the place? The made up nickname chosen via a poll? The track record of abject failure and mediocrity? No, what makes them special (the ones who post this shit on RTG) is weapons grade delusion coupled with an astounding level of stupidity, and possibly a glue habit…
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