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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. iirc he used to recuperate with us after he got injured with Engerland
  2. OK I get where you're coming from, I don't see the context of the debate in Britain obviously. I don't think there's any moral difference between the US and Saudi stand on the death penalty but the medium of execution in Saudi seems particularly brutal. Plus isn't the saudi approach based on shariah law which involves stoning, whipping and severing hands etc? Plus a lack of legal process? Viewed as a whole, isn't the Saudi system of justice more savage than western justice?
  3. Yes, because that's exactly what he said.
  4. I think I used the word medieval but it was to describe the regime (which as I understand it is basically feudal), not the people. I dont think I used the word savages. The Saudi royal family preside over an abhorrent and backward regime....in particular their attitude to human rights, protest, religious freedom, women, foreign workers and crime/punishment. Plus I believe they're implicated in funding terrorism (altho I havent seen the evidence). My Dad worked in Saudi for 2 years, and I know people who've worked in Qatar and Dubai. All of these places sound lime they have repressive governments but Saudi sounds like the worst. You couldnt pay me enough to live there tbh. To play the racist card or talk about relativity to the US is strawman stuff imo. For the record, I disagree with the death penalty in the US, which I also think is abhorrent and backward in this respect (regardless of how they kill their criminals).
  5. Coke was originally sold as a tonic I believe. Imagine the disappointment when they replaced the cocaine with caffeine and sugar.
  6. Bill Clinton: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman. But FTM anyway"
  7. Well played sir. Perfectly put.
  8. I dont believe in the death penalty full stop. The Saudis are a repugnant brutal regime with a medieval attitude to punishment. I really dont know what youre on about with this tbh
  9. Where's the "shake it all about" voting option?
  10. She has the look of Sue Barlow but the appalling glasses suggest Hillary Clinton
  11. What's the point of a player who's hardly ever fit?
  12. You can add the likes of google and starbucks etc to that list. However those are long running structures and will become much more difficult if measures proposed by the OECD are implemented. There will then be less of an incentive for UK companies to dodge tax especially with a low tax rate....although the worst are american companies and the IRS seems to tolerate this for some reason
  13. They don't need to tax dodge any more, the corporation tax rate is so low.
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