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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. You've pushed the boat out there. SHE OWES YOU
  2. I'm proud to report my first single was the classic mahna mahna (do doo da doo doo) by the muppets
  3. The bloke has a disturbing resemblance to Fred West there
  4. Kitman


    Yes. Somewhere in the world there will be an Aussie winning something and thats what counts. Expect blanket coverage of the world U17 underwater hockey champs or similar if the Aussies have a good chance of winning
  5. Kitman


    The Aussies did well vs 14 men with a key defensive back missing. Against 15 men they were nowhere. They've done incredibly well under Cheika but they still have some way to go to match the ABs. Ausman is right, the ABs bench strength is incredible, I think Hansen leaving in 2017 will be more of a blow than the retirees.
  6. Kitman


    sweet as bro. congrats to the abs....credit to plucky little australia too
  7. Skillz: It is a structure - check Spans between 2 points - check Carries vehicles trains and/or people - check MF: "I have inspected this structure and I declare that it is indeed a bridge! Now, where do I send my invoice?"
  8. he looks like he's just woken up under his desk and doesnt know what the fucks going on
  9. touching a man in the ring sounds rather personal
  10. The biggest piss takers are multi nationals not family firms. If Osbornes company makes no profit because of high wages, it just means they pay income tax and NIC instead of corporation tax. Similarly theyre perfectly entitled to use losses if theyre carried forward from previous bad years. I dont know what that articles trying to say really other than the Osbornes are rich. Well theres a fucking surprise.
  11. I dunno he might be ok at wolves. I dont really care as long as hes not lumbering around for us
  12. It makes me happy that these po faced ladies are carrying on their shrieking protests half way round the world. It's as tedious as listening to Alex Salmond whingeing on endlessly. Knock yourselves out sisters.
  13. If anything indicated the selection of Russia was bent, it was Putin coming to Blatters defence
  14. Hopefully theyll be knackered after their cup game
  15. Fucking carthorse and hoofball maestro. Absolute shite. Cant fuck off soon enough for me
  16. I think pelanty and sending off decisions should be automatically reviewed by an official using TV replays, like they do in rugby union. Cheating and foul play could also be instantly punished if missed by the ref. Theres too many errors and too much fakery going on in football to leave it to the referee anymore imo. Professional sport is also often too quick for the officials to judge and the crowd influence outcomes unless you're one of the glamour teams. We saw with the Derby how the fate of a match can be decided in one bum call. Its also quicker to review it immediately than deal with the on field protests and time wasting that inevitably follow a controversial call. I know people will say its part and parcel of the game but it ruins it as a spectacle.
  17. its a very efficient tax and hard to evade. Inequality is better addressed through tax credits. Oh bugger
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