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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Lol if you'd seen The Martian, you'd know just how wrong you are. He grew potatoes. ON MARS.
  2. If we're talking 1992 I think Savage compares with Carlton Palmer. With less goal threat
  3. What about that Ron Vlaar bloke once hes fit? Dutch international, seasoned prem player, available on a free. I know we'd have to put up with essembee calling him a FUCKING YELLOW BELLIED DUTCH COWARD but he should be the sort of experienced player we go for at CB imo. Unless his injuries have finished him of course.
  4. The romans believed you could predict the future by studying a chickens chemtrails
  5. Funny how he was a strong as an ox when he was up for election
  6. plus its bad enough losing to allardyce but adding The King to our losing streak would be unbearable
  7. back on topic I feel we need to win this one. With a little momentum we could quickly get out of the shit. We dont want to be in the bottom 3 come xmas.
  8. Your grandad wouldn't have been the only one with a grudge against Piggy Muldoon. Seems to have been a complete shit. Cairns has an arrogant air about him, like he can do what he likes. Which makes me think he's guilty and your Dad was right
  9. True. Must be the Cairns perjury trial thats distracting them
  10. Somehow this reminded me of Leazes. All that's missing is "the so-called accountant"
  11. When was the last time you went out and your Czech bounced? I'll get me coat
  12. you never had the pleasure of des hamilton then. tbf neither did we...
  13. It's nice to see that romance isn't dead
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