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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Fantastic result for the lads. Well done.... now let's do vs Villa
  2. I think we'll get bummed. But then I think that about every match atm.
  3. Jesus! Did you have to go back inside and explain what had just happened to anybody?
  4. I missed both the xmas parties this year. The dept one through flu and the big company one thru apathy. The theme for the company do was the 80s. No thanks.
  5. If Townsend has hamstring problems and misses large chunks of a season, he'll fit in with our squad perfectly
  6. when statistics get personal. Stick that up your x axis!
  7. Happy Face bitch slapped over his presentation of statistics. It's sad we all had to see this...
  8. I was surprised we won. I put it down to the likes of Sissoko playing for a move in higher profile games
  9. The problem is the current approach doesnt stop anyone taking drugs either, in fact it makes it cool. I favour treating drug addiction as a medical illness rather than a criminal offence. And I'd rather put the states resources into education and prevention rather than punishment and stigmatisation. As for thousands developing an addiction deliberately to get free drugs, I dont think that would happen.
  10. I'm resigned to whatever happens. We're an absolute shambles of a football club.
  11. I think theres a good case for legalisation just in terms of diverting funds from criminals to the government and reducing the criminal behaviour of addicts. Thats before you get into the waste of police and prison resources and the opportunity to rehabilitate addicts and educate young people. Without getting into the morality of drug abuse, I think it must be obvious to most people the war on drugs has comprehensively failed and isnt even winnable.
  12. I suppose. I expect they lied to McClaren about the squad and their ambitions though.
  13. I think everyone can see we're fucked as a club. The press are writing our obituary with less than half the season gone, and rightly so. This has been coming for a long time, I actually feel quite sorry for McClaren.
  14. Ashleys biggest faux pas imo is to surround himself with lightweight football people. On the board we have Charnley (clueless yes man/adminstrator), Moncur (dinosaur yes man), Carr (septaguarian chief scout) and McClaren. There's a dearth of modern footballing expertise there for making key decisions like managerial appointments and most of them are Ashley yes men. It's telling to me that we haven't appointed a single foreign coach in all of Ashleys tenure. All of them have been experienced English coaches which dooms us to mediocrity in most cases. Shearer was the only attempt at appointing a young manager and that was in the most challenging of circumstances. We have zero chance of appointing a young manager with potential with the current lot in charge. As for finding a Wenger or a Klopp before they hit the big time, forget it.
  15. His explanation for paying for everything in cash was that it was a tax fiddle. The stupid bastard will now have 2 tax authorities after him for tax interest and penalties in undeclared earnings over many years. Good luck with that, old bean.
  16. I dunno, I suspect McClaren simply isn't up to managing a dropkick club like ours.
  17. Yeah he was the key witness and the suggestion he was only testifying to save his own skin from prosecution was enough to sink the case. Cairns lawyer did a good job of making Vincent out to be a shifty shitbag. In fact Vincent's testimony was so unreliable that the judge warned the jury not to treat Vincent as a credible witness. However Cairns didn't come out of it well and I dont think he'll ever work in cricket again.
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