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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Kitman


    Happy birthday! Another 70 years of the toon to look forward to
  2. Yes he's full of shit. I'd much rather have McClaren
  3. Is there someone out there with a hose? It's not like we're doing it on purpose
  4. Totally agree. The stuff players come out is rubbish....half the time they're just being con men for the press. The shite Shola used to come out with...
  5. Yeah you're right about Gavilan. I went back and had a look at Dalglish's transfers and by god there was some shite in there! I'd forgotten about Brian Pinas.....one of my all time favourite comedy football names.
  6. I detest mourinho so I'm not disappointed. That said I'd have him at ours in a heartbeat. Not that that would happen in a million years
  7. 3 out of how many? iirc he signed a lot of shite like des hamilton the sparrowhawk and his own useless son
  8. too many to list. Most of dalglishs for a start
  9. Im hoping that the nufc careers of players like Williamson Saylor Obertan Ferguson and Marveaux are coming to an end and will free up the wages to bring in somebody decent who isnt always injured or is utter shite or both. You can add the likes of Gouffran Riviere Tiote Ameobi and Vuckic to that lot. We have a shocking squad with dross who arent even good enough for the subs bench. Too many gambles on sub standard crapola who arent putting pressure on the firat team regulars. We need to pull our finger out on recruitment big time. Tells you that our youth development is utter shite as well when they cant step up to challenge the wank thats in our squad.
  10. Have you ever done a major renovation CT? I've done 2 and I can tell you theres more to it than getting estimates and agreeing a discount. You have to do a large amount of work before you even start on the project - do you need planning permission, surveyor, architect assistance etc. Do you pay for a project manager, can you trust your builder, who is contractor, who is sub contracting. Theres all your tradesmen, suppliers etc to deal with both demolition, clearance and re building. You need to think about the legal stuff upfront and insurances and do due diligence on the guys doing the work. Youre dependent on everything going smoothly but it never does. Theres the bank to keep happy, your family gets fed up living in rented, tradesmen let you down. It can be quite draining. And thats assuming that you dont discover major problems like subsidence, poor original construction work, weather damage etc. All delays in the logistics and supply chain cost you money. Honestly theres a lot to consider. Fair enough if you really love a house but its something you need to go into eyes open if it needs a lot of work.
  11. You really have to be up for a massive renovation. Youre unlikley to be able to live there, it goes on for longer than you expect and theres always unexpected extra work that the surveyor cant see from a visual inspection. Unless youre really passionate about the house Id steer clear
  12. Just the sort of game we lose. Hope we stuff the Brummie tossers though, for various reasons
  13. Happy birthday! Happy new decade!
  14. Kitman

    Euro 2016

    The minute he goes near a TV hes going to get both barrels. Then a lecture then a list of jobs. His best bet is to keep moving from room to room as though hes busy with important shit.
  15. Fantastic result for the lads. Well done.... now let's do vs Villa
  16. I think we'll get bummed. But then I think that about every match atm.
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