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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. I've just finished watching this. I agree with the earlier posts that the Averys and Dasseys look like a bunch of wrong uns. Also a doco is very selective on how it presents the facts. However that said it seemed to me that there were massive holes and inconsistencies in the police case and I have no doubt whatsoever that they coerced the confession from Brendan and planted evidence to ensure Avery's conviction. Seems incomprehensible that the convictions were sound based on the evidence presented. It's a massive indictment of American justice and the level of bias in the system and media. The level of collusion between the police the DA and the public defenders was also very disturbing. Perhaps the most shocking thing for me was the trial by media, the unfettered speculation and slandering of the suspects and the way the police fed the press. There was no chance of a fair trial in that area after the way the press behaved. Fucking scumbags.
  2. Thank fuck, I thought he'd never leave
  3. No Cisse, used cherry tomatoes
  4. It's weird that the club never ever sees the defence as worthy of spending money on. We have no end of crappy midfielders but we're only ever an injury or two away from crisis. If we do manage to save our skins this season, we need to completely rethink the defence imo. It's not good enough across the board
  5. I don't give a toss about the first team these days let alone a reserve team playing a friendly
  6. Completely agree. Ashley only does bargains. Signing Austin would have been more his style.
  7. I agree. Plus Ireckon he wanted to stay in the South
  8. The examiner did an emergency stop on mine, as he considered an elderly pedestrian was about to step out into the road. He did me a favour by failing me as I look back on it now
  9. I am rumoured to be offering Eva 25 million when my bid has been prepared
  10. Yeah or we didn't fancy him cos of his dodgy medical. I suspect he didn't fancy coming to us though for whatever reason.
  11. It's great when all you have to do to make something very unlikely happen is "prepare a bid". I'm currently preparing a bid to ejaculate onto Eva Longoria's tits.
  12. At least this eases the danger of the subs bench becoming moulded with the shape of his arse
  13. Another one we will miss badly. RIP
  14. The clubs being found out in its policy of gambling that young foreign talent will instantly deliver. The shines gone off Carr now too imo
  15. Gouffran is exactly the type of player who needs to leave if we're to make any progress. Contributes fuck all and usually comes on as a last minute sub if at all. Given we've signed 2 players in midfield I'd be happy to see him go if we bring someone of first team caliber in......most importantly someone with goals in them whether that's a striker or wide player
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