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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. The thread about us and our tax shit is 90 pages. In other news, apparently we're obsessed with them.
  2. If its the FA, its nothing a bung wont fix. Allegedly.
  3. its alnost like its a forum comprised of retards and 11 year olds
  4. It sounds like the investigation goes wider than us and the 'ammers. In which case it'll run on for years. I doubt it would impact a sale, not that there will be one.
  5. I dont believe charnley farts without Ashleys permission. The taxpayer subsidising a deal would be irresistible to the fat penny pinching bastard.
  6. One of the scams used to be overpaying a player for image rights and underpaying salary, signing on bonus etc. The image rights payment might go to a tax haven like Monaco if the player wasnt declaring it in their home country; for the paying club it didnt count as rem for UK tax purposes, so no employers national insurance was payable. Obv to be credible the player needed to be famous. iirc it used to be quite common but I thought HMRC had shut that down.... maybe Lee didn't get the memo. Add to that hidden agents fees and backhanders and there could be a smorgasbord of malfeasance here.
  7. In other words, dummet and dumber
  8. Not forgetting that he sacked Chris Hughton in favour of Pardew...who at the time was an out of work manager sacked from his last job.
  9. The championship is only a weak league because we've done well. They're in for a shock.
  10. They have someone called khazi playing for them. Sums it all up really
  11. I think if we get promoted Rafa will have done his job. I don't think he should be criticised for functional football because thats what this league demands. Similarly we cant expect to win easily every week in this league with these players.
  12. He's just someone who played briefly for nufc. Like Gavilan. He's only mildly interesting because he's such a dickhead. Still, the face tattoo will be useful for his cellmate to know who he's fucking....
  13. pushing thru the people leaving at half time
  14. Don't see how he can be found guilty unless theres some evidence. Otherwise its just an opponents word against his.
  15. I'm disappointed he doesn't refer to him as Khazi. Is he losing his touch?
  16. Presumably meant to remind the players of what the supporters' lives are like. They'd have been better off visiting the local job centre
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