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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. If I lived in madrid I would be booking a few days away right now
  2. Yup. Two teams with shithouse supporters with a large dollop of media bias. No doubt it will be a “famous” night. Great.
  3. Pretty obvious him and methven were complete fucking chancers hoping to make a quick buck out of Short’s disastrous exit. Reading RTG is like listening to people trying to convince themselves that the “Nigerian prince” they’ve paid is going to come through with the millions he promised.
  4. I’m not sure what point he’s making. Despite being on their uppers, surely they’ve had more money to spend than anyone else in their division?
  5. I know I shouldn’t find this funny but....the bits where there’s just the bobblehat in front of the camera and silence
  6. I think Mark Hughes is exactly the calibre of manager we can look forward to. Followed by his sacking and an inevitable relegation. Good times.
  7. We have a chance if they bottle it or we get lucky. On players and form they should win easily
  8. Yaaaarrrrr! We be scoring a goal me hearties!
  9. everybody wants that bog brush look....
  10. The fucking clip of that guy. Doubling down on a weird head with a weird haircut....
  11. I think they have the potential to go bankrupt. Once the bank realises del boy and rodney can’t finance the wage bill
  12. The potential is there if the tickets are free
  13. I suppose it doesn’t matter, we’ve survived in the PL for another season, which is the club’s only objective.
  14. I don’t believe Rafa will get anything like 50m because Ashley and co are liars. We’ve seen what they’re like over many years and once they have a settled manager they starve him of cash. I doubt Rafa will stay tbh, he wont receive any promises worth wiping his arse on
  15. What a stupid way to run a club. Put a useless bumhole in charge as MD, hobble the club’s commercial income and starve the best manager we’ve had in many years of the modest amount of cash needed to keep him happy. Then don’t communicate with him at all, to the point he’ll walk when his contract is up, inevitably exposing the club to relegation next season and a huge financial loss. Then they’ll throw money at winning promotion again. The whole thing is ridiculous. We’re being run like a fucking corner shop.
  16. Its sad to see stuff like this which you know will never happen with Ashley in charge
  17. Great result. We must be safe now
  18. I expect this means the accounts will be published soon and will show a decent profit
  19. It’s utterly baffling how every other club in the PL can find a shit ton of money every season to spend on players. It just defies explanation.
  20. the Great Escape music became the soundtrack for a shit performance in my mind
  21. He’ll be off. And who can blame him? Throwing him a bone won’t make a difference when he’s been cynically starved of cash for the squad, training ground and academy throughout his tenure.
  22. Are the rules only available in the secret forum?
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