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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. The other option that occurred to me is this is Ashely putting out diversionary bullshit because Benitez is about to walk away. Damn Ashley for making me such a cynic
  2. It’s Sheikh Yermoni. He’s fucking loaded
  3. I can’t tell if he was concussed or just thick as fuck
  4. I’m going to enjoy the little frisson of hope. I know I shouldn’t but fuck it
  5. Interesting to note that this rumour has instantly generated an 8 page thread on Retards To Go, the second longest after their Sack Jack Ross thread. Nice.
  6. In their case they’d snap someone’s hand off for 17th. Which is what we’ve routinely aimed for under ashley.
  7. It’d be soooo disappointing to get rid of ashley and aim for 7th
  8. So good it makes me want to shit in a fountain
  9. Well this is a great way to start the week! I think they’re beginning to understand why Donald was such a great success at Eastleigh FC...
  10. Ashley has been very clear since the early days that the club needs to fund itself. If Benitez wants money over and above that I doubt he's going to get what he wants
  11. The magedia strikes again. Kevin Keegan helped with writing that apparently
  12. It makes perfect sense if instead of NUFC you imagine you’re running a small sports shop in maidenhead. Buy cheap, sell high! Don’t buy old stock! Do up the shop next year! Don’t give the staff a raise! Anyone can run the shop!
  13. As we’ve said ad nauseam any transfer budget has to price in cost of wages whereas any player sales ignores the wages saved by the player leaving. So 50 mill is not 50 mill going towards a players purchase cost. It’s not a lot in todays market.
  14. The fact that his contract wasn’t tied up long ago says everything about the way these cunts operate. The best you can say about it is its brinkmanship which is a stupid way to go on with what should a precious asset
  15. What he really means is he prefers the kids bottom
  16. Thought I’d cheer everyone up
  17. My base line expectation is that Rafa will leave because we won’t be in to sign anybody decent, including Rondon. There will be a dirty media campaign in the face of fan protests, with unattributed quotes from club sources citing Rafa’s unreasonable demands and implying that he was far too greedy. Everyone from the club will be on holiday for ages. Eventually we will replace Rafa with a hasbeen/wannabee, too late in the day to sign anyone but some free transfers or loanees, with Rafa being blamed for ruining the club’s transfer window. The club will be in the relegation places come xmas at which point Ashley will finally throw some cash at transfers in a bid to stave off relegation and fan protests. Nobody who’s any good will be available or want to sign. A long relegation battle will follow with Rafas replacement being sacked after the transfer window closes and an improvement in results fails to appear. Anything better than this and I’ll be chuffed.
  18. Making it to the L1 play off final is a great achievement for a club of their stature
  19. I’m sure the former chairman of Eastleigh FC has many billionaires queueing up to invest in his latest lower league project with, er, massive potential
  20. Lets hope they haven’t shit on them then
  21. I hope the fucker loses all of it. Then he might sell us
  22. Doesn’t fit the profile. The profile doesnt include being class obviously.
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