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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. It’s almost like he’s a shit old pisspot that nobody rated. Still let's give him a chance, eh?
  2. The result and performance were pretty much as expected with Bruce in charge. Totally out of his depth.
  3. I don’t want to detract from your central point that Beardsley may be a thick as fuck racist but I have to take issue with this. He wasn’t “a good player in his day”, he was absolutely fucking magic as a player.
  4. Good riddance. No doubt the colonials are to blame for his premature death
  5. He hasn’t changed has he? Such a self obsessed little baby, the poster child for the modern footballer. I wouldn’t mind him criticising the club if he’d actually done anything for us, but he was the biggest waste of money we’ve ever signed.
  6. I suspect with Bruce you’d need to hunker down for 15 pints, a lock in, followed by waking up on his living room floor with him watching an old Man Utd video in his underpants and drinking whiskey
  7. “Our club” Nobody’s fooled mate, just in case you were wondering.
  8. I’m wondering how many games before we get described as a crisis club in the tabloids. Probably one more.
  9. Presumably SAFC will be a high risk shit or bust investment tgat they can afford to write off. Which is just as well with those 2 clowns in charge.
  10. I’m just surprised that people take any attention of Bruce.
  11. Won’t be watching - I predict another defeat followed by a bunch of excuses from sheephead
  12. And have a clueless owner. Bruce was obviously a disastrous appointment to anyone with an appreciation of his level of ability, track record and character.
  13. I just dont understand how a young lad can go to a new country and lead the line for a new club in a league he has no experience of, and not score bucket loads of goals after 2 games. I mean, doesn’t he know we paid 40 mill for him and have huge expectations?
  14. I think if you give a shit these days it’s because you haven’t been paying attention to what our owner has done to the club and what TV rights have done to the game in general. There’s literally no point in supporting a club that has thrown the towel in before a ball is kicked - we’re literally set up to fail, just not badly enough that we get relegated. The sad thing is Ashley is not only killing the current support, he’s going to kill it for future generations too. Once any hope of competing goes, and the realisation of being treated like mugs dawns, people find other things to do with their time and money, and that filters down to their kids. I think we’ll see that process accelerate now that Rafa’s gone.
  15. Bruce’s record speaks for itself. It’s an idiotic appointment just like Kinnear. He’s a terrible premier league manager, who is not improving with age and is certain to get us relegated. The only question is whether Ashley sticks with him or sacks him; because Ashleys a cunt’s cunt it’s pretty nailed on he won’t sack him unless he fails to win promotion.
  16. He’s always supported NUFC, except when he wasn’t. When he wasn’t is his entire career as a player and manager until his recent appointment.
  17. They’ve had 12 years to do something in these areas. It’s not that they can’t afford to spend on these assets, it’s because they view them as unnecessary expenditure. The idea that every spare penny has gone on first team players is a lie. Shame on you Charnley.
  18. We all know that if Ashley was serious about taking the club forward, Rafa would still be there. I hope it all blows up in his face, the thick fat cunt
  19. It’s almost like Bruce is a shit old manager who’s completely out of his depth
  20. tbh I expected us to be shit and clueless. The score line was a pleasant surprise this morning.
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