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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Does either really care? Seems like they've both gone to a bit of effort so I assume so.
  2. I need an article from you. Been thinking about it. Gotta find some time to load up both barrels and pull the trigger Let me know da plans rasta. Sure ting boss man. Working title "Can you feel the farce?"
  3. I need an article from you. Been thinking about it. Gotta find some time to load up both barrels and pull the trigger
  4. I think Owen will be off at the end of the season regardless of what we offer. However I can't see the club offering anything other than a performance related success based contract anyway which will be unacceptable to little Mickey. Man City or abroad seem his most likely options for one last fat payday. He'd have to be desperate to stay with us and we plainly want him off the wage bill. Time was I would have said let's move heaven and earth to keep him but things have moved on now. The injuries have taken their toll on his game and I'm sick of the EMO soap opera. He's too much of a distraction and he isn't a fitting captain imo either. Time to go. Can't see this "watch this space" stuff as anything other than postering by Lame-arse. We should get shot off "Duke" for the same reasons tbh. Him and Owen are/were great players but are poor value for money. Lovenkrands can play upfront so is there as cover if he re-signs. Martins should be first choice if fit. Carroll is back up. Presumably we'll look to sign another first choice striker probably a target man to replace Viduka. Ameobi doesn't count as a striker, I assume he's there to hand out the orange slices.
  5. Sounds like we'll conduct our transfer business in a more professional manner in the summer. We'll be sending our customary fax to Sunderland with the offer for Kieran Richardson at half past 4 on transfer deadline day; no more leaving it till 6 O'Clock anymore, no sirree. That'll leave plenty of time to fax Liverpool with a 5m offer for Gerrard, in the unlikely event Sunderland turn us down
  6. What a load of shizzle! 1. It was common knowledge there was a loan secured on the stadium; 2. It's common practice to pay for players in instalments; 3. It was widely rumoured the Northern Rock money went on Owen In fact I think the first two were even mentioned in the annual accounts. Yet they buy the club and Shock! Horror! Murder! look what they've done! They're either utterly clueless or incredibly badly advised. Or lying. The conclusion of that article was particularly nauseating. This bloke's an amateur.
  7. Ye Gods. Just when you think things couldn't get more farcical, they sound like cocking up the next managerial appointment! Terry Vegetables is a busted flush. What's the point? They should have been thinking about the next manager for months. I guarantee they'll not have given a moment's thought, and won't until poor old Joe's on the operating table and banned from going back to work. We need an appointment for the next 5 years (5 year plan anyone?) rather than another washed up knobjockey old mate of Dennis Wise. If we're to make any progress at all we need somebody in touch with the modern game. Bloody clowns
  8. I do think that's what he meant to say tbf, although it didn't come out like that. Based on experience to date, my guess is any extra would be funded out of transfers out. The exit of Owen and Viduka, which seems inevitable to me, may free up some additional funds for free transfers or bargains.
  9. Did anything ever happen with the investigation into the toon/Freddy Shepherd? Still think criminal charges were in order over the Boumsong transfer, for the misrepresentation of him as an international footballer if nothing else.
  10. If you wanna discuss that kinda stuff, I suggest you take a look at http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=23107 God no, I'm not going in there
  11. After Joe Kinnear has subjected them to his Crazy Gang style team building methods - i.e. spraying Ralgex on their undies, setting fire to their clothes and shitting in their shoes - that number will rapidly shrink to zero.
  12. Isn't this idea against European Union rules for EU nationals? ie non discrimination/freedom of movement of labour
  13. In reality there's very little in the interview that we didn't know already. So much of the club's problems come back to Ashley's decision to buy the club without bothering to inspect the books first and figuring out whether he was happy to put the money required in. So we should be grateful for his rashness and stupidity. No doubt he inherited significant debts and cash commitments but that's par for the course for many clubs. I refuse to be grateful for keeping us out of receivership, that's also to e expected. I don't see any other clubs - Spurs, West Ham, Villa - who have spent more than us and presumably have less wealthy owners, going into administration. Instead of significant net investment in the first team (the Villa model) we have a "5 year plan", which basically consists of slashing the wage bill by shifting out the high earners and getting in cheaper replacements, some (but not all) of which are journeymen and free transfers. We're relying on home grown talent to supplement the first team, the only problem being there isn't any and the influx of talented youngsters won't bear fruit for a few years yet, if at all. So we're pinning our hopes on the Academy and Reserves abiility to bring players through to Prem standard, something they've largely been unable to do in the past. Of course there's no detail of this "5 year plan" but that may be in the next instalments of the interview. A plan that's devised by people who admit they know nothing about football, have presided over the KK debacle, sold players and not reinvested the money in the first team, given Butt and Ameobi new contracts, offered Joe Kinnear a long term contract (apparently), introduced the DoF crapola shunned by every other club in England, and generally treated the club like a cut price corner shop. Forgive me if I'm not wetting myself with excitement at this point.
  14. At last, a bit of pace up front. Could be our saviour. Handy with a cross too. Etc. He gets nailed on crosses tbh. Good reputation for saves though.
  15. It's underwhelming stuff tbh. Why the faith in Johnson btw? Is he actually any good, even assuming City could be persuaded to sell? Doesn't he have recurrent injury problems anyway?
  16. That, or the pressure's starting to get to Dennis Wise
  17. Poor fella, he should have a nice drink or two to cheer himself up
  18. Ye Gods, I'm sorry I wandered in here
  19. It might be those players but I'd be gobsmacked if it wasn't 4-4-2 with Duff at LW. Of course the players could just play 4-3-3 when they get on the pitch
  20. His contract's coming up for renewal at the end of the season and lo and behold he's magically fit again for the run in. Funny that.
  21. Butt's more of a pensioner than a player tbh
  22. I'm waiting for JFK to say "I couldn't be more pleased, it's just like a new signing". That makes 7 new signings when added to Viduka, Martins and Smith, which is just what we needed; with this amount of new faces coming in, survival is a certainty. Oh, hang on a minute.....
  23. If we're relying on Smith to save us, we're fucked. with a golden shower on top
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