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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. After he'd worked out no club would offer him the same wages as the toon, such is his loyalty to the club.
  2. "We have twee matches to turn fings awound. We must follow the way of the dwagon!"
  3. I've never got tired of looking at that oriental lady avatar. It's the way she keeps saying "Boro' piss" of course.
  4. Walkers crisps - S&V, prawn cocktail, worcester sauce Tortilla chips & hummus Olives Cheese, crackers & sliced Jalapeno
  5. Very well put. Its a shame that its going to be lived out in every magazine and tv programme for however many months / weeks its going to be. Dont think thats good for anyone, particularly young uns who are so caught up in celebrity. As mentioned before she is fairly well off on her own and the kids real father is not short of a bob or two. Hope she has the sense to realise this and spend every last possible moment with her kids, not on some tv sofa. Spot on. I wonder whether in the future the desire for celbrity will be recognised as a mental illness? Along the desire to get elected to parliament....
  6. There's no financial incentive to depopulate. In developed countries, an ageing population places massive burdens on wage costs, pensions, healthcare etc. And queues in the supermarket whilst you're waiting for the old codger in front of you to get there bloody change out to pay. Hence the continued acceptance of immigration. In poor countries, a large family is the old age pension. China has tried to control population growth but I don't think they've been successful. Maybe a Malthusian solution is most likely, although the prospect of worldwide war just got a little more remote with the retirement of George W Bush Junior. We're due another flu pandemic however.
  7. "Oy you can see me kebab!". Or something similar, as I recall. As a "celebrity", she's famous for nothing and she won't be missed for anything. She's emblematic of charva media obsessed society where getting into the papers or onto television is an end in itself, despite having absolutely no talent to earn the opportunity. There'll be another Jade Goody along in 5 minutes to annoy everybody. However I'm desperately sorry for her and her children, it's a tragic waste of life and at such a young age. I'm spared the media circus here in NZ but I imagine it's very sad and quite painful to watch. Cancer is a dreadful disease, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
  8. Kitman


    If change comes, embrace it fella. Spoken like a true silver-spooner. Not at all mate, my company had some financial challenges that looked quite bad back in Nov. I had to dig quite deep for new ideas and look at other things I was good at and work on those which I probably would have neglected normally. Do you mean do some proper work instead of spending all day on message boards? It took ages to work out how to do two things at once. That technically makes you a woman, unless one of the two things is
  9. Kitman


    If change comes, embrace it fella. Spoken like a true silver-spooner. Not at all mate, my company had some financial challenges that looked quite bad back in Nov. I had to dig quite deep for new ideas and look at other things I was good at and work on those which I probably would have neglected normally. Do you mean do some proper work instead of spending all day on message boards?
  10. hmmmm I think it depends on the circumstances. If I'm out at a bar, the default is beer - cold lager usually. When I was in the UK I used to like heavier beer like Old Speckled Hen and Guinness but I've gone off that now If I'm in - I'll probably have wine - cold white in summer, red wine rest of the year At a restaurant - I'd probably have a G&T or VAT and then switch to wine 'cos beer is too filling Out late - bottled beer, JD & coke or tequila Nightcap - I used to like a nice smooth single malt like Glenmorangie but it's too pricey here. Probably just as well Looking at the above I realise I just like drinking. I need to cut down.
  11. Could a mod please delete this post, I view it as incitement to violence!!! It's not perfect. Sometimes it drizzles in winter.
  12. Cancelled due to lack of funding
  13. 5 minute walk to ferry, 12 minute ferry ride across Waitamata harbour, 2 minute walk to work in Auckland CBD. Very civilised commute. Have a cold beer on the ferry home most Fridays.
  14. Statement just in from NUFC: The Directors wish to advise members of the Platinum Club that in the interests of stabilising the club's finances, all platinum in the Platinum Club has been liquidated and replaced with an equivalent cost effective substitute. Henceforward The Platinum Club will be renamed The Chrome Effect Club. Prices will not be affected by these measures.
  15. But have we seen uglier directors?
  16. A rise in sales of Prozac has been noted in Newcastle.
  17. I'm on the fence. Would you rather have your plums gnawed off by a giant rat or your eyeballs gouged out with a screwdriver? It's really that sort of question...... On the assumption we weren't going to "do a Leeds", I'd rather have Shepherd because the club was a more interesting place.
  18. Absolutely. The fat lad needs an incentive, he always has.
  19. Llambias and Ashley combined can only aspire to one day know as much as fuck all about football. The problem is that Ashley doesn't know that he knows fuck all about football. He's aware of the known unknowns, but he knows fuck all about the unknown unknowns.
  20. I can't say I approve of that. Michael Jackson's penchant for back filling developing youngsters is what got him prosecuted in the United States. I'll set 'em up, and you knock 'em down.
  21. Hey Parky, what's this Friends shizzle?!

  22. Llambias and Ashley combined can only aspire to one day know as much as fuck all about football. But they have a five year plan to compensate, don't forget.
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