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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. The most important name of the team sheet will be Lady Luck, who has been dropped for most of the season.
  2. I'd have been more impressed if they'd got Shearer in the minute the seriousness of Kinnear's heart condition was apparent. To get him in with effectively 7 games to go is too little too late; in the meantime they've tolerated Hughton skippering a rudderless ship. Or to stretch the analogy further, they've watched the ship going down with all hands on deck and waited till it's nearly bows under to do anything about it. It all adds to the sense of cluelessness and naivety, and the impression they'll only do something when backed into a corner like a rat in a trap. Credit for getting Shearer in, no credit at all for standing by and hoping against hope things will get better of their own accord.
  3. Was it? I know a caller to 606 said as much on the podcast, but I don't think Green was at the match and I think Shearer did FAR more shouting than Dowie....ineffectual though it was. From the stands it looked all Shearer. Maybe Greeny mistook one for the other. They're practically alike they could be twins.
  4. Self loathing is a Jewish thing after all. Here he is again with the self loathing already Am I the only one who doesn't find Woody Allen's self absorption a hoot? I realise I'm probably out of step with the rest of the world. My soup is cold. I vant hot soup. Mel Brooks is much more my level. Give me farting cowboys over that crapola every time.
  5. Self loathing is a Jewish thing after all. Here he is again with the self loathing already Am I the only one who doesn't find Woody Allen's self absorption a hoot? I realise I'm probably out of step with the rest of the world.
  6. As a happyish simple person, I'm sure BluePeter won't feel patronised by that
  7. I think if we go down, as is likely, Shearer will be back on MOTD and Kinnear will return. I don't think we'd go straight back up with our shower of shite so it'd take years to recover from. I also don't think Ashley will sell up, whatever happens. We can't afford to go down.
  8. His principle of walking away from any job when the going gets tough. How many jobs have Keegan walked out on? Considerably less than Hoddle's been sacked from
  9. Well said. Throughout this season there's only been one person with the power to change the fundamentals of the club and that's the owner. That'd be the grinning fat guy at the back, doing nowt and letting other people take the heat.
  10. Did she come back? Deary me. You'd better off sticking to cheap shots and wummery, humour isn't your strong point.
  11. I dislike Brand intensely for all sorts of reasons. This article isn't one of them.
  12. It wouldn't be his fault though. Nothing ever is.
  13. Despite the wind and piss about 5 year plans I think they make it up as they go along. As much as it pains me, I honestly believe they think Kinnear is good enough despite all evidence to the contrary. And to the extent Shearer leaves and Kinnear is unable to continue, I expect there'll be no back up plan whatsoever and we'll start from scratch, probably wasting the entire pre-season in the process.
  14. A million miles better than Kinnear. But I expect he'd would want adequate transfer funds (assuming we survive), so probably no point in talking to Butthole Still.
  15. Maybe it's a case of if we stay up shearer stays, if we go down kinnear returns
  16. Only if he doesnt get the move he wants
  17. Good morning sir, have you arrived here from Victorian times?
  18. Shearer = sheet metal worker's son Kinnear = shite mental wanker No? I'll get me coat....
  19. Be interesting to see if he puts Owen on the bench for Chelsea
  20. You are demoted and forced to accept a pay cut because you have no employment alternatives, your wife/gf/partner that you really love leaves you and your great neighbours move only to be replaced by the most annoying, tight arse cunts the world has seen. Or you just become danny b.
  21. It'd be worth it just to see Shearer's reaction. I picture him picking up Wise and throwing him against the wall, with Wise sticking there upside down, in the manner of a pub dwarf throwing competition
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