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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. Useful if you get Alzheimers I suppose. You should suggest he goes the whole hog and has his name, address, important birthdays, passwords and PIN code tattoed on there as well. There's plenty of room.
  2. She should keep them. She'll look mint when she's a bag lady with a tea cosy on her head, pushing a supermarket trolley.
  3. Regardless of the truth of the Mail article, I doubt Shearer can do any more to offload players than is already being done. It seems a bit silly to talk about him offloading players as if he only needs to wave his magic wand. Regardless of who Shearer wants to keep I expect the club has been frantically hawking around every member of the squad in a bid to cut costs and we've not shifted anyone yet. It's signing players where there's an issue imo, I imagine nothing will have been done in that regard unless Shearer's been tapping up players. We're probably already well behind our rivals in the CCC, as widely pointed out on here already. It's piss poor really.
  4. Pretty much how I feel. Not interested in raking over why he left, time to move on.
  5. mong + tattooed stars over face = mong with tattooed stars over face
  6. 25 December is being tipped as D-Day for toon fans anxious to hear news of the how the club's takeover is progressing. Weekly forecasts of D-Day have until now proved wide of the mark. However a club source who I've just made up said "This is the early Christmas present all the fans have been waiting for. Mike Ashley has always been serious about selling and this time it's going to go through in time for the new year". The resolution of the club's long running sale is good news for the club; with the approach of the January transfer window, there are fears that Shola Ameobi and Alan Smith might stay.
  7. That's still a better ratio than Butt. Our 47 year old midfield dynamo
  8. How long have they been moving ahead? I'm still wondering whether Llambias has begun to consider relegation from the Premier League might be a possibility yet
  9. The place would be like a soup kitchen, with assorted bums, tramps, winos and pikeys turning up for their free scran. And Parky. "Today's reading comes from Paul's letter to the Corinthians" From the back "Hoy fuck that shit. Where's the beer and sarnies you promised ya nonce?!" Happy Sundays everybody Blessed are the meek and the needy for they shall inherit the earth, especially if that includes free beer. Some of them are very good at chess. There's needy and then there's smelling of piss. And that's just the parishioners.
  10. The place would be like a soup kitchen, with assorted bums, tramps, winos and pikeys turning up for their free scran. And Parky. "Today's reading comes from Paul's letter to the Corinthians" From the back "Hoy fuck that shit. Where's the beer and sarnies you promised ya nonce?!" Happy Sundays everybody
  11. FYP Be hilarious if they pay good English dollars for him though! It'll go straight into the save the whale fund. Where's a Japanese "scientist" when you need them?
  12. FYP Be hilarious if they pay good English dollars for him though!
  13. It would seriously cheer me up to see players like Nolan leave. For money.
  14. That's the best ever. I bet the players were mortified. The straight ones that is.
  15. It's a migraine made polyester Reminds of a seismograph
  16. Perhaps a small ode is fitting: We say goodbye to Ed Mcmahon We heard his death with sorrow The show he hosted was Tonight And now he's no tomorrow I'll get me coat
  17. Kitman


    Happy birthday hom!
  18. Deary me. You should concentrate on the characters. Princess Lay Her. Girth Vader. Oh Big One Ker-nobby. Luke Shirtlifter. Jabber the Butt. Hand Solo. Or maybe not
  19. Very similar to the Times version of events. ST tickets sales can't be going well then.
  20. - on the plus side, it's George Caulkin. - on the minus side, no quotes and wor Derek is full of bullshit. No need to get the bunting out just yet.
  21. Is there any room to walk in your house?! Or are things piled up into aisles?
  22. When I was young I had a large collection of comics - Marvel, 2000 AD, Commando. My mam threw them all out when I went to college. Wish I still had them now.
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