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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. I think a lot of people feel sorry for us now tbh
  2. Obviously you have us mixed up with the land Kitman lives in, either that or your welsh dad. South Island has lots of sheep and few people so I understand. I expect people's romantic options are a little limited there of a Friday night
  3. I disagree. Big cheques----->big expectations----->no patience and he's already had his period of grace last season. I'd expect them to take the same approach as Abramovich....the only question is whether he'll get as long as Christmas if it's not going well. imho of course.
  4. At least it's not the usual kick in the balls
  5. What a day! Getting the Aussies to follow on at Lords would be mint
  6. Still got a chance of a big score but requires Strauss to bat through. We've got more of a waggy tail than we used to with Braod, Swann and Anderson. Be disappointed to get less than 500 after that start tbh.
  7. I can't believe anybody would be interested on those terms
  8. The word on the street is that the £100-150m owed to Ashley is still part of the deal, its just that the new owners have two years to pay it. I'd say that's the word up shit creek more like. You have to wonder if he'd ever sell at that price.
  9. Bath or Barth? Pronunciation is lercal, innit, there's no right or wrong. The good folk of Birmingham are convinced the rest of the world "talk funn-ay". My old English teacher told me the English of the Canterbury Tales sounds very much like Glaswegian. If he was telling the truth then it's the rest of us who are out of step.
  10. West Highland Terrier? Shouldn't it support a Scottish club? Bloody OOTs/Hughton Bandwagon Jumpers!
  11. No they're not. We now have Barclays dictating whether we can or cant appoint a manager. That doesnt happen when you owe yourself. Yes, there is the overdraft of course. I was talking more about the structural debt, which will now have to be accounted for in any share sale - anyone buying Ashleys shares is going to value them on a net-of-debt basis (which he would have done if he'd bothered to do any due diligence) Can you explain that in layman's terms? When valuing the shares the buyer is going to ask what is the net value of the club - ie, assets = x, less debts = y, total value of the shares = 3 shillings ha'penny Isn't the value of a company typically fixed by reference to its operating income rather than its net asset value?
  12. I'd be surprised if these were Hughes's signings as such, although obviously he's not going to say no to any of them. I reckon it's a race between Hughes and Ancelotti to be the first PL manager sacked. Hughes seems more likely to me as he was in situ last season so will be expected to do the business immediately.
  13. Can't blame him, what sort of players was he able to get in at Blackburn? Don't suppose his wages are too bad these days either. You reckon he's got the minerals to pull this off? I think he'll be a canny bet for first PL manager to be sacked
  14. Well it's not as if the dead fella needed his legs anymore. Should have gone to High and Mighty for his coffin.
  15. Eh? I'm being a bit slow here but we haven't sold Bassong yet have we? And who's McLovin?
  16. I think it was against the Kiwis too, something which they haven't forgotten or forgiven
  17. If you know any necromancers, now is the time for a hefty down payment Mr P.
  18. Did you listen to his post match interview on the ground at all? The interview where he congratulated England and Collingwood for holding out? Your physio needs to lose his manboobs as well. No. But then I was watching the Aussie Sky coverage, which just had Ponting whingeing over and over again at his press conference.
  19. Surely assurances in the short term wouldn't be massively essential, because being able to do anything right now would be a big improvement on what is currently going on. He can kick and scream about assurances and budgets etc, but in perspective, just some leadership whilst this is ongoing would be beneficial for both the club, and Shearer if/when he is finally appointed full time. I assume Shearer would want to be successful if he took the job. And I'm guessing he couldn't rely on getting appointed full time, anything could happen with the club in the next 3 weeks.
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