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Everything posted by Kitman

  1. I wouldn't say Butt is in the autumn of his career. More like winter. With the snowbells starting to peep through.
  2. I think we're allowed to debate stuff that's in the public domain like. Of course So what's your point then? I don't see how it's any different to commenting on a newspaper story. I go on the site because it's about us and it's good for info. Their match reports are usually worth a read too. If I disagree with something they say, I'll say so. I don't actually know whether I agree with what they've written until I read it though tbh Alex my comment wasn't aimed at you or anyone on here in particular. nufc.com is a website run by a couple of opinionated fans who don't pretend to be impartial. Of course nobody's going to agree with some (or even much) of what they say. However I've read the views of some people on N-O who rant on and on about Niall and Biffa, and complain that they're not accountable etc. It's a self published website, they're fans not not journalists; if I found their views consistently objectionable I just wouldn't go on there anymore. That's all I meant. tbh I think they want to provoke debate, they just don't want to take part in it. Fair enough but if you don't like N-O, don't go on there. Generally I don't these days tbh. The pro-Ashley stance of some of the posters beggared belief.
  3. I think we're allowed to debate stuff that's in the public domain like. Of course So what's your point then? I don't see how it's any different to commenting on a newspaper story. I go on the site because it's about us and it's good for info. Their match reports are usually worth a read too. If I disagree with something they say, I'll say so. I don't actually know whether I agree with what they've written until I read it though tbh Alex my comment wasn't aimed at you or anyone on here in particular. nufc.com is a website run by a couple of opinionated fans who don't pretend to be impartial. Of course nobody's going to agree with some (or even much) of what they say. However I've read the views of some people on N-O who rant on and on about Niall and Biffa, and complain that they're not accountable etc. It's a self published website, they're fans not not journalists; if I found their views consistently objectionable I just wouldn't go on there anymore. That's all I meant. tbh I think they want to provoke debate, they just don't want to take part in it.
  4. I think we're allowed to debate stuff that's in the public domain like. Of course
  5. When I lived in the UK I was advised against keeping chickens because they attract rats. No idea whether that's true or not.
  6. If you don't like their site, don't go on it.
  7. Bazzles - tell Stevie you're a scouser who supports Leeds and lives in Singapore. That'll impress him
  8. btw, is it true that Preparation H tried for years to persuade Johnny Cash to let them use his song "Burning Ring of Fire" as a jingle for their hemorrhoid cream?
  9. Hands that do dishes as soft as your face With mild green Fairy Liquid The Milky Bar Kid is strong and tough And only the best is good enough The creamiest milk, the best by far With Nestles Milky Bar Or something Argghhhhhh Parky I hate you, my brain is now plagued with the jingles of yesteryear!
  10. I'd like to buy the world a Coke, And keep it company Or something Do the Shake & Vac And put the freshness back Do the Shake & Vac And put the freshness back When your carpet smells fresh, your room does too-oo Everytime you vacuum Remember what to do You do the Shake & Vac And put the freshness back God I hated that advert Opal Fruits Made to make your mouth water
  11. You could claim diminished responsibility. In which case I'd opt for a radgee Vinnie Jones type frenzied attack, biting off his nose in the course of. Or maybe his ear if he's got a cold.
  12. Whatever happens, the lack of leadership and direction has been absolutely criminal. If I ever meet Mr Ashley I shall bop the bold fellow one on the nose, egad.
  13. "Yar, free transfer ye say Master Ashley?"
  14. If it's to showcase goals, let's hope we score some this season
  15. I found it hillarious, he ran up to the Sir John Hall Stand while being chased by some lousy steward and then slid on his knees, Rooney style. Grass burns on his sack and crack?
  16. Not sure this is even a genuine article PP
  17. Tedious. Sirous Mahjoob? Serious Blowjob more like.
  18. Who knows, maybe the championship is Alan Smith's level. On second thoughts.....
  19. I don't know how anyone could take this rumour seriously.
  20. SSN saying deal agreed. Solitary source it would seem. Believe it when it does actually happen - and not a moment too soon Well his agent has said hes waiting for a medical so im inclined to believe its happening Results of the medical: "Good God, this man has the face and body of a 50 year old!!!"
  21. Can't say I'm bothered. But that really sums up how I feel about the club at the moment under Ashley
  22. It's hard to tell much from this sort of blurry footage. However it doesn't seem far fetched to me, wouldn't surprise me if big cats had escaped from captivity and adapted to the British countryside. In fact it's probably descended from one of Keith Moon's former pets.
  23. Can't say I'd blame him if he did, he's hung on for longer than they had a right to expect and he's been messed about all summer by the sound of it. It seems likely we'll start the season with Hughton, half a squad and the club in limbo; looks like the only way we'll get out of the CCC next season is to be relegated. Cheers Mike.
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